How to Write Your Own Dungeons & Dragons Adventure!


Intro: How to Write Your Own Dungeons & Dragons Adventure!

Hello and welcome! Have you ever played Dungeons & Dragons(D&D)? Well, if so you know that there are two roles; Dungeon Master(DM), and Player. But did you know that as a Dungeon Master you can write your own adventure? One thing I do recommend is that you do DM some adventures before writing your own.

FYI: This is my first instrucable, so I might not be the best at explaining.

STEP 1: Think of an Idea.

If you've ever played Dungeons and Dragons before then you know that all adventures are built around something. So, before you start writing you should think of an idea to base the adventure on.

STEP 2: Write Down the Storyline and Objectives.

Now that you have an idea in your head you need to write it down. Along with the idea you should also write down some of the major NPCs and an idea of the surrounding area. Here's a link to what I used.

Note: while it starts out random, you can customize all the text boxes.

STEP 3: Start Writing!

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, writing! So now it's time to start the writing. By now you should have a good idea of how the adventure is going to go. Go to Chapter 3 of the DM's Guide for some tips and tricks.

STEP 4: Start Mapping

Now to start mapping out your world. You pretty much have three choices; draw them yourself, make some online, or find some premade ones. The one above I made online, using Inkarnate The one of a city I generated. There some premade maps in Apendix C of the DM's Guide, and you can find a ton online. There are also some random map generates that you can find online, such as this one:

STEP 5: Put It All Together

You're almost done! All you have to do now is print everything out and put it all together. A way of doing this is to put all the world and region maps in the front, then scatter in the dungeon and building maps as needed.


This one? No, it's the cover to the Monster Manual without the words. Everything else is mine. Except for the Into the Darkness cover. That credit goes to: Luke Hart at