How to Zombify Yourself (Using Pixlr)


Intro: How to Zombify Yourself (Using Pixlr)

This is how I made myself look like a zombie using Pixlr.  This was my first time ever using Pixlr, and I found that it was very intuitive and easy to use.

-Computer with a webcam or a picture of yourself already on it.

This instructable is made to be a guide only.  You don't have to follow what I do step for step or in the same order.  Feel free to personalize your image and experiment.  Please post your picture in the comments!

STEP 1: Getting Started

First you are going to want to go to Pixlr (  Select Open Pixlr express (Efficient).  If you have a webcam, select webcam.  If not select browse and find your saved image.  Give the camera your best zombie face and select capture.  Then click use image.

STEP 2: Making Yourself Green

Go to adjustment.  If your picture is fuzzy, select denoise and adjust until it isn't fuzzy anymore.  I denoised mine the whole way.  Then, still under adjustment, select color.  Mess around with the hue until it is a green you like and apply it.  You can also adjust the saturation until you find some sickly green you are happy with.

STEP 3: Contorting Your Face

I chose to whiten my teeth to add more contrast.  Once you are done whitening, select liquify.  Push, pull , enlarge, and/or shrink to your hearts content.  I changed my eyes and nose.  I also cropped my image here.

STEP 4: More Adjustments

I darkened my image here so that it would seem spookier.  Then I went to color splash.  I kept everything grey scale except for my face.  I also added the old background in order to make the image scarier.

STEP 5: Final Touches

I added the arrrggh! sticker because I thought that its color went nicely with the image.  I also added some stain stickers to make me more zombie like.  I also added another zombie picture of me.  I hope that this guide was easy to follow.  Leave any questions or comments below.  Don't forget to post your pictures!


how did you turn your teeth wight
creepy... you should turn this into an animated gif