How to Age Paper


Intro: How to Age Paper

There is little on the net for Paper aging and no Instructables, but Paper hacks has changed that, For more hacks goto:


I suppose kinda tearing 'em makes would be better too eh? Kinda more like sheepskin A4
Oh, when you burn the edges, be ready to blow it out because after the coffee or crumpling it burns like napalm, or something like it.
I tried burning the edges and its not even worth it. Besides its not even realistic for just the edges to be burned, but I guess it makes a neat effect.
This is uber complicated. I did this for like a medieval fair thing in grade school. I just crumpled up the paper, stuck it in a pan of coffee(or tea, but the amount of water and tea, coffe is faster) for a few minutes, until the paper soaked it all up, then dry, then burn edges. It tends to look better if you write on it after, but I cant really do calligraphy. I also did this in college but ripped the edges, put it in a bottle, and gave it to a lady friend, of course there was a sentimental quote from ol' will. Don't mean to be like negative, I'll for sure check out the site dude/dudette
I did this for a project in school, but when i did it, I made super strong tea, like five bags, and dipped it for a little while. It also looks pretty neat when you singe the edges a little with a lighter or candle.
For the effect I was going for I only needed one bag.
Is that green tea you used? I think that gives the neon green tinge from the dyes they put in that stuff. Maybe better to use a regular tea bag which gives brown-orange colored tea for the antique look. Maybe even a cup of coffee would do.
I think it's green caffeinated tea, I didn't notice any greenish color.