How to Breed Leopard Geckos


Intro: How to Breed Leopard Geckos

To breed leopard geckos you will need a few things to be successful

-First of course will be at least 1 male Leopard gecko and 1-4 female leopard geckos

-You will also need a 10 gallon tank to keep the male in

-Also a 20-30 gallon tank to keep the females in

-A heat mat to heat the cages

-For the female cage you will need a laying box. A plastic sterilite shoebox will work well with a hole cut in the top filled with damp peat moss.

STEP 1: Getting the Geckos to the Proper Size to Breed

Leopard geckos should be around 50-75 grams to be able to breed. Some will be much larger, but this is the recommended minimum.

STEP 2: Introducing the Male

To introduce the male you need to be cautious of a few things. Normally introducing a male into an established female tank doesn't cause any problems but  you need to be concerned with aggression either way. A little biting is OK and should not be worried about but if you start to realize injred geckos separate them to avoid further problems.

STEP 3: Checking for Eggs

Periodically check the box after a few weeks for eggs. You need to make sure to get to the eggs quickly because they can eventually dry out.

STEP 4: Removing the Eggs

When removing the eggs you want to try to make sure to not turn the eggs over because depending on how long they've been there you could potentially kill them. Move them to a proper incubation container, deli cups work well. Fill the cups with moist vermiculite. You want the vermiculite to be moist but not too wet.

Tip: It helps to draw a mark on the eggs while they are still in the lay box so you know which side is up.

STEP 5: Incubation and Hatching

You will want to incubate the eggs in either a commercial reptile incubator or a homemade incubator. Homemade incubators are cheaper but you will compromise your success. Reptile incubators can be found online for as little as $30.

When incubating you can determine the sex of the geckos by what temperature you incubate at.

79-82 degrees for females

84-89 for males

Don't raise the temperature too high because you run the risk of getting something called "hot" females which are normally very aggressive and will not breed.

After about six weeks your eggs should hatch.

STEP 6: Results

If you've followed all of the steps you should now have baby leopard geckos. A female will lay on average 2 eggs at a time several times over a 1 month period, a good female can produce anywher from 2-20 eggs in a single season. Before you start breeding make sure you have the proper fungs and supplies to feed and house this many geckos. Good Luck!


So basically I have 2 Leos. One is Daisy who I think is female and Seymour is male. The old owners told me that they were female but I checked and I don’t think so. So I think Daisy is very big for a female and Seymour is small for a male. He has only grown a little Please help I am confused
look at the bottom near tail 2 humps male 0 female
Is there an age you have to stop breeding?
Like my gecko is 10 can she still start breeding?
As far as I am aware, leos can breed through their whole life.
Thanks for this instuctable. I am planning on breeding my leos once I get a male, so this is really helpful.
By the way, I'm not sure what morph they are, so if you know, could you tell me?
can you put a female into a Male tank?
I woke up this morning to find My gekos laid eggs and I was unprepared for it because I was told the there both male. She laid them in her water bowl. I carefully removed them and laid them in a cup with bamp moss. Is that ok until I can get vermiculite? Also I have no clue how long they had been under water and now they look like the are suck togather. Will they be ok?
Ya they will be fine... it’s okay for reptile geckos lay eggs and you shouldn’t of had them in the same cage if you where told they were both males bc if they where you put them in chance of fighting.
Yes but make sure the little ones don't eat the vermiculite
Boi just got two leopard geckos male and female I was told there nine months but they seem small for that age my female has not ate yet but the male has jumped right into eating he actauLly at 9 Pin head size crickets she didn't eat any should I try and separate her into anothe tank or container to eat or due you think it's just stress from new environment and give her a few days to get use to ? If I do give it a few days and she doesn't eat what should I do I also will be going to a reptile show this Saturday and was wondering can I have two females done male in the same enclosure I have a 30 gallon tank and plants breed when age appropriate thank you
If your gecko isn’t eating maybe she just doesn’t like the food. When I got t my first gecko speckles I gave her two crickets And she wasn’t eating so I went to meal worms and wax worms. Now that is all I feed my two geckos bc nether of them like crickets.

do i have to put 4 females with 1 male? can i just mate 1 or 2 females?

1 or 2 is fine
I have a question.. I bought 2 tangerine geckos a few months back and they were smaller than my palm, now they r larger than my palm so I decided to find out their sex.. I have one male and one female I think.. I wanted to breed them but see where u instruct to leave the male in a separate tank.. I tried that and ms Alex got depressed so I put Danny back in... I have only observed once where he was on top of her ... Can he stay in the tank with her? These r my first reptiles and am trying to get all the knowledge I can on the species.. Thanx
Only about 2 weeks for breeding males can over stress the female or one will eventually hurt or potentially kill the other

this is perfectly fine ^^ i have a male and female that live together and they get on wonderfully ^^ in fact pretty much every time i go to feed them they are in the same hide together most often times cuddled together. i have never seen them have any kind of negative interactions not withstanding when they were first introduced. as for you male being on top of her my guess they were attempting to breed or he just wanted to be warm and she was warm. again this is something my geckos do all the time. sometimes gira is on top of gannan sometimes gannan is on top of gira -shrugs- they just like the warmth.

Could you answer my question for me I posted at top a few seconds ago thanks
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