How to Build SainSmart InstaBots Upright Rover Kit V2.0 Updated


Intro: How to Build SainSmart InstaBots Upright Rover Kit V2.0 Updated

With the balancing robot we aimed to create something that beginners and experts could both enjoy. We provide all the parts and easy-to-follow instructions, you provide the final result. The beauty of our self balancing robot is that it is totally customizable; it starts from our design but can become something totally your own. Add sensors, cameras or any other parts and pieces you can think of. Designed by our top product engineers and approved by beginner enthusiasts, the self balancing robot leaves no room for excuses.

STEP 1: Wiring for Car Body:

before connecting the boards,we suppose that you have learned how to use Arduino IDE and you could download the code to the Arduino board.

1、 Connecting driver board L298 to shield with Dupont Line according to

the way shown in the picture above, then inserting the shield into UNO

2、 Welding the motor needs searing iron, welding the capacitances at the ends of both motors, before wiring the

motors you are supposed to test the rotation direction of motors, we provided a test code named:

Motor_forword_Test.ino, the principle is that the motors drive the car forward , the direction is marked in the above

picture. Otherwise please exchange the poles of motor。

3、 Please refer to the Assembling_for_V2RemoteController for Assembly instructions


4、 The path of the code of the Arduino IDE 1.52 we provided (including V2 ) at the following:


You can download the code to your car

Download Arduino 1.5.2 from:

5、 If your car fail to keep balance please check the values of PID, you can check them through serial port on your PC

The typically values are shown as above

STEP 2: Wiring for Controller:

1、 Use the Dupont Line to connecting LCD and joysticks with the shield board according to the way shown in the picture above,then inserting the shield into UNO.

2、 Please refer to the Assembling_Video_for_V2 for Assembly instructions


3、 The path of Arduino IDE 1.52 we provided (includeing code for V2) is as following:


You can download the code to your board Download Arduino 1.5.2 from:

STEP 3: Tips:

there are tow kinds of plastic screws


i cant find a single picture for the v3 upright rover pro wiring!

what is the port?


Please let us know in detail the procedure to use the kit.(VR, p,i,d parameter, etc.)