Introduction: How to Control Servo With Play Station 2 Controller

About: Just an ordinary guy...working towards a B.Tech in computer science engineering.

I wanted an easy way to control my robots servo so i googled for a suitable solution but couldn't find one. so i decided to use my old ps2 controller for this purpose and it worked perfectly.

So here is a step by step guide for you to do the same..Hope you'll like it.. :)

Step 1: Thing You'll Need

1. Arduino UNO or any other arduino with pwm output x1

2. Breadboard x1

3. Hookup wires

4. Servo motors x1-4 (you can control upto four servo with this code)

5. Power source for Servos(arduino can't supply enough current,i used a variable voltage battery eliminator)

6. Play station 2 controller(I used wireless controller).

7. Soldering iron (For making a connector for ps2 controller,Skip this if you already have connector)

8. PC with Arduino IDE installed

9. Bill Porter's ps2x lib installed (Download it from here).

Step 2: Making the Connector

i'm not gonna explain this one in detail. Well i made my one with a broken ps2 multitap (luckily i found one laying around).So basically what i did here is that,i de-soldered the female connector from multitap and soldered some hookup wires and male headers with it

Step 3: The Circuit

Circuit here is pretty simple.just the connect the servo in the following manner :-

servo 1------------------> Arduino digital pin 9

servo 2------------------> Arduino digital pin 6

servo 3------------------> Arduino digital pin 5

servo 4------------------> Arduino digital pin 3

Now connect ps2 controller to arduino

Data-------------> Arduino digital pin 12

Clock------------> Arduino digital pin 13

Attention--------> Arduino digital pin 10

Command------> Arduino digital pin 11

Note- If you use external power source for the servos then don't forget to join GND of both arduino and power source.

Step 4: Arduino Code !!!

Now just upload this code to your arduino and you're ready to roll

Step 5: Troubleshooting

1. No controller Found -

check your wiring again or check this LINK for possible solutions

2. Servo jittering -

Try to feed servo with external power source.

Still have some issue???Feel free to comment and I'll try my best to solve it.

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