How to Do a Basic Freeze


Intro: How to Do a Basic Freeze

This instructable will teach you how to do a basic freeze. Show it to your friends and they'll be amazed! Let's get started then.

i also made a random video of me dancing if you want to see it, wich i took with my eyetoy. (thanks jamnoopers.)

this is not completely finished yet because i can't find the right pictures, but it will soon.
and here's a video of me dancing

STEP 1: Starting Out

start out on the tips of your toes. Not very hard.

STEP 2: Positioning Yourself

Your right elbow will be supporting you. jab that into your side. your left elbow will support your leg(s). put your arms into that position.

STEP 3: Just Lean Over!

Lean over. This will really hurt the first time, but keep trying and you'll get it soon enough. Practice people! or just watch the video.


how do you get a movie from eyetoy to pc? p.s show how to get into it and out of it, it's cool if you can do a freeze but it looks so much better in a routine, instead of bending down and doing it and then getting up normally.
HA this is nice,I might have to try this
thanks. it's really fun.
Yah I di it today and all my bro did was fall down HA!
yah,and I see you are a fan of LOLCAT
of course i am. REALLY funny pictures. I LOVE IT!
yah hey go Here if you are a fan and if you already went there then you are obsessed!
ya, i've already gone there multiple times. Caturday night fever.
yah I love the site and I have had an account forever!!
i don't need an account. i can still look at the pictures even without an account.
UH! you stole my fave word:
i didn't steal cuz it don't belong to you. besides, i can say it if i want.
yah but the word,coolio,deserves
an italic and a bold!nvrmind....
very very true. sorry for my idioicy.
yes,that is the awesomeness of COOLIO
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