How to Eat Healthy


Intro: How to Eat Healthy

Well in this instructable, I am going to spread some information on how to eat healthy. If you are questioning what does an internet savvy tech geek know about eating right, you'd be surprised. As a testimonial, My freshman 15 was a freshman 40. Two years ago I dropped 30lb in three months and four inches on my waist simply by changing my diet. I held steady plus or minus 5lb for winter and summer. A few months ago I changed my diet again and dropped another 10lb and 4 more inches. I do not get sick, I am in excellent health and I eat lots of awesome food.

Vote for me and read along if you wish.

STEP 1: Define "healthy"

The and most important thing that you must do is realize what "healthy" means. My dad saw me wolfing down some donuts that I made and said, "i thought you only eat healthy". I'm sorry, an all natural donut made with real flour and sugar fried in real oil is a better meal than a lean-cuisine any day.

Healthy means food that occurs in nature and able to be digested with ease in the human body.

STEP 2: What Not to Eat

I do not have very many rules, mostly guide lines, what follows are the only rules.

Do not eat anything that contains hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oil.
Do not eat anything that contains high fructose corn syrup
Do not eat anything that contains artificial color, flavor or preservatives.

STEP 3: Things to Avoid

Now I might catch flack here for this, but here are a few foods that should be avoided or kept to a minimum.
They are rated 1-10, 1 being worst for you 10 being a forgivable offense.

Free range chicken-4 (5 if organic)
Free range turkey-5 (6 if organic)
Free range beef-5 (6 if organic)
Free range eggs-7 (9 if organic)
Wild meats-6

Cows milk-2(5 if organic)
Ice cream-2 (5 if organic)
Yogurt-4 (7 if organic)
Cheese-4(remember no artificial color, flavor)(7 if organic)
Goat/sheep milk-6 (7 if organic)
Goat/sheep yogurt-7
Goat/sheep cheese-7

Bleached white flour-2
Refined sugar-2
white bread-4
Anything that you do not know how it was made

STEP 4: What to Eat

Well I like mexican food, so I eat a lot of rice and beans.
Some foods that make for a good meal

Rice (all kinds)
Black beans
Pinto beans
Chick peas
Pasta (real pasta, make it from scratch using real flour)
Breads (real bakery bread, ummmm)
Avocados (good for fats)
Quinoa (its a grain like rice, lots of protein)
Fruit and veggies

If you can see the plant that made the food, its is probably okay to eat it. And I do not mean the factory.

STEP 5: Other Things to Keep in Mind

There are a lot of crazy diets out there. I went a few weeks without gluten, soy, meat, dairy, or wheat. Its hard work and you can't eat out.

Some warnings:
If you start eating healthy it is hard to go back, I once loved Krispy Kremes, now they make me puke.
When your body is getting clean, you might feel sick "de-toxing"
When your body is clean you might feel sensitive to other gross things, perfume and the like.

Some encouragement:
Eating right is not a goal, it is a way of life, we all stumble, there is no failure.
Start small, cut out Hydrogenated oils and corn syrup. See how you feel, your body will tell you what it wants, just listen.


"Healthy means food that occurs in nature and able to be digested with ease in the human body." The hell it does. Healthy means that it will cause health benefits to you, and maintains or creates the balance in your diet that is needed for good health. I don't care if it's artificial, e.g tofu when eaten in a balanced diet is very healthy indeed, do you think those blocks grow on trees?
I beg to differ. Soy is perhaps one of the worst "natural" things a person can eat. Besides that fact that soy is one of the most common GMO foods on the market, is also contains plant based estrogens (which is why they are "good for women" according to AMA) but I like my testosterone levels just the way they are and don't need any more estrogen in my system. Besides, your notion that soy is not natural baffles me. Soy is not manufactured like red dye #5. Its cultured like yogurt or beer. It is the result of natural microbes processing a natural legume. But by all means, keep on eating your nutrition cubes and vitamin drinks and you should be fine.
 I only had ONE burger!

Thanks for this 'Ible.  I've been struggling with weight loss for a while.  I know better that to try a "fad" diet, but your advice is spot on.  BTW, I personally know someone that just cut out high fructose corn syrup and she went from "husky" to "hot!"

Thanks again!
How to eat healthy- Don't do what that guy did in the main picture.


Nice 'ible.
You have beef listed as "healthier" for you than chicken? On what basis? Not from a saturated fat perspective, that's for sure.

I would also recommend dividing eggs into two pieces:
egg yolks (1=bad)
egg whites (10=good)
beef is healthier cuz theres no seminila. And if egg yolks are that bad for you, theres summin wrong, that were all the protein is, and flava
This is based on mainly instinct. You would be surprised how often I avoid a food item and then find out that it was a good thing to avoid. Grass feed beef and/or organic beef is surprisingly healthy for you in moderation. According to a book by Jane Goodall, if the average carnivore were to replace 2-4 meals per week with grass fed beef instead of regular beef their cholesterol would drop by a factor of two. I have not eaten meat in four years, the last time I smelled beef it made my mouth water, the last time I smelled chicken I wanted to vomit. Just instinct here. Like most of it. ps I don't like separating eggs. If you are worried about cholesterol, raise your own chickens or find someone who does and has extra eggs, they taste better and are much lower in cholesterol than battery-cage-grocery-store eggs. They also have less salmonella because eggs naturally have a protective slime that keeps the salmonella out, but factories wash it off. Besides, when you do not eat meat, egg yolks have a lot of good stuff that you need and you really do not have to worry about cholesterol and such.
screw the diet i want that donut!