How to Exercise Your Dog


Intro: How to Exercise Your Dog

Hello fellow dog lovers! Does your dog have destructive behaviors like digging, or tearing up your house? Or even psychological issues like biting, endless pacing, or other seemingly absurd behavioral issues? No? Then prevent these problems and let your canine friend get out more and enjoy life. The best answer and prevention to these problems is to give your dog plenty of exercise and activity. Your animal also demands quality attention from you (the dog owner), so this instructable will not talk about building dog runs, or treadmills but instead it will focus on healthy activities one can do with the animals.

The key to good exercise is work up the heart a good amount so that the dog reaches a good pant. This happens to be the dog's reaction to body heat, so it is a good indication they are working hard. If the pant is too strong, you will hear a harsh wheezing breath that sounds very unpleasant. Be sure to give your dog rest, especially older dogs and provide plenty of water when finished. They will be very thirsty.

This guide is based on my own experiences with my dogs, but due to the nature of taking care of pets mileage may very and suggestions are certainly welcome! Let me remind you that playing with your dog is not only beneficial for the mind and body of your pet, but also for you! Daily exercise is required and most ideally more than once in a day.

STEP 1: Choosing an Exercise

There are of numerous ways to exercise/play with your dog, and I welcome you guys to contribute. I'm going to focus on the following:

Playing fetch (with different toys)
Misc games
Walking your dog
Hiking with your dog
Taking your dog to a dog park and doing all of the above and more

You can vary what you do with your dog, so if you take your dog on a long hike in the woods you might want to go easy the next day with a light amount of fetch or a shorter walk in the neighborhood. Other then that, choose something that you enjoy doing because its important to continue these activities regularly. And lastly, you may call it exercise, but your dog thinks of it as play/an adventure. Think like the dog.

STEP 2: Fetch

Playing fetch is probably one of the more popular activities and only devoting a single step is a gross oversimplification. I encourage you to seek other instructables and consult other literature for much more detail on how to train your dog to fetch.

The key is to take the whole process in steps, as it will take time. Choose an object that won't hurt the animal should it accidentally hit him/her (it happens) like tennis balls, ropes, squeak toys, and small sticks. When you are introducing the dog to the object, try to associate the object with rewards and attention. Some dogs take to them naturally, others may need encouragement. Putting a treat inside a toy is an easy way to draw the dogs attention to it. In the beginning, just let the dog have fun with it like carrying it around in the mouth and generously reward/pet your dog so that he associates the toy with attention and joy.

Once the dog gets attached to the object, then start training your dog in steps. First run to chase after it. Then grab it with the mouth and finally to return (with object in mouth) to you. The last one is optional for smaller dogs and can be difficult to teach. However once your dog gets it, you can try to encourage other forms of fetch. Also teaching fun behaviors like jumping to catch a ball/frisbee, or swimming to get a stick are great additional steps.

STEP 3: Other Games

Let your imagination run wild. Remember this is about having fun for both you and your dog, so pick something that you enjoy as well. With all that positive encouragement and treats, dogs love to be taught tricks. Just make sure you stop when you or your dog gets tired of the task at hand.

Though not strictly exercise, it will give your dog plenty of mental activity. Can easily be applied to more physical games. The typical boring tricks are great, but everyone has seen them so come up with something that is easy enough to teach a dog in steps. Some ideas:

The typical:
rolling over

Better ideas:
Giving hugs: the opposite of not jumping. Bad idea if dog is constantly muddy
Finding some object: not just useful for drugs/bombs
Jumping over objects: like low walls, yourself, or small children

STEP 4: Dog Walks

Taking your dog on walks is a great way for him/her to enjoy different smells and discover new places. Especially in urban settings the necessary items include:

plastic bag/device for poop
water bowl and water
some treats

Teaching your dog to walk on a leash is almost always necessary. Many dogs will just pull on the leash, making the activity difficult for both parties involved. It will be a slow process at first, and some harnesses have been designed with the idea to help solve this issue by putting pressure on the forward leg joints. Though, truthfully, it failed miserably with our dog and she would protest its use. Choke collars work, especially the ones with points that collapse on the neck, but don't use it if you can't stand hurting your dog even just temporarily.

Otherwise, the use of the leash in the city limits is generally recommended if not required. Encountering other dogs, or automobiles make the leash pretty useful. An extendable leash is a good buy, but it will require smarter use by the dog owner. Water is good to bring along, especially on longer walks and on hotter days. Treats come in handy for just the regular positive encouragement of your dog.

STEP 5: Hiking With Your Dog

Hiking with your dog, is very similar to urban walks with dogs with a few notable exceptions. So pick a fun trail and plan a good morning/afternoon for the activity. Unfortunately many trails are off-limits to dogs due to varying reasons like wild animals, dangerous trails, or general bigotry against dogs. Despite such signs, many people bring their dogs anyway. Make sure you know the trails and the area.

If your dog is well trained, it is generally acceptable to allow your dog to walk without a leash (rules vary per location). Generally they stay on the trail and within view. Most dogs love to wander ahead and then check back to make sure the owner is within sight, then run ahead again. Others will run down the trail, then back up, then back down. Typically the outdoors hike (is there any other kind) is good exercise, but is also very tiring. Begin with shorter hikes like a few miles, and build up.

The key point on outdoor hikes is to bring more water than you'd think you would need. The last thing you want is to run out of water a few miles from your car, and your dog dehydrating and overheating. Its difficult to know how much water your dog needs and since their internal cooling system is linked to water consumption its best to err to your dogs benefit. My suggestion is to bring a lot in the beginning (at least a gallon) and let your dog drink all he/she can. Eventually you will get an idea of how much is enough. Debate is still out regarding drinking creek or lake water for dogs. They contain harmful organisms and bacteria, the worst of which is giardia or e coli (think terrible diarrhea) , but the dog has a much better system for all that (they eat other animals' poop!).

STEP 6: The Dog Park

The dog park is a wonderful place for your animal to romp and socialize. You can play fetch and let your dog run around without a leash. Wait until your dog is at least 4 months before getting to the dog park so that he/she won't be dominated by the other animals. If you find that your dog does not play well with others, the dog park may not be for you.

Suggestions on finding dog parks nearby and tips for taking your dog to one can be found at:

STEP 7: The Cool Down

Well, there is the cool down. After playing/exercising make sure your dog gets water. They probably won't object to it, but just be sure they do drink afterward. Also, if your dog dislikes bathes this is a great time for a shower. They will be plenty warm, and might not object terribly to a cool spray with hose. Rub some shampoo on them and spray again, and you have a cool, clean dog.

Make sure you pet/reward your dog for a fun play/exercise session with plenty of praise and/ or a treat. Finally, you will need to set limits for your dog. He/she will gladly tag along and play fetch long after they should. Monitor their breathing, and attitude and if you notice a great decrease in energy it may be time to stop. If the dog is old, or hasn't exercised much it may be sore the next day. Your animal might not get up, or may be limping. Thats a sign to take it easier next time, and keep up the regular exercise.

Have fun, and playing with your dog is what makes owning one so much fun


Digging is not destructive behaviour in dogs, especially not as regards hunting dogs (whether these actually go on formal hunts or not). Threadmills are considered a form of torture of dogs, but ordinary running letting your dog run freely at his own pace is good exercise for dogs. Puppies and very small sized dogs should not be forced to run at the pace of an adult human as this is too strainful for them (whether on leash or not on leash trying to catch up with their owner).

a dog running on a treadmill is not a form of torture i agree it should be no substitute for a structured daily walk but it can supplement a dogs exercise programme if you have a high energy level dog for example huskies or sled dog breeds are bred to run what we would call a marathon in freezing conditions with a heavey sled tied to their backs if you think you can walk these guys enough you are mad, sometimes walks just arent enough and if you purchase or build a self driven dog treadmill they will only do what they want to do on it they will not run if they dont want to and will only go at a speed they feel confortable doing and will increase the dogs quality of life

It seems to me that if my dog was digging holes in my yard, tearing up my lawn and garden and risking exposing wiring, piping, etc., that it would be considered destructive, whether it is a hunting dog or not. 

As a canine behavior it stems from a dog becoming bored with no outlet for excess energy.
My mom and I are considering a dog, but we don't know what kind to get. She wants a Lab because they are easy to train and whatnot, and we definitely don't want a lapdog. The neighbors have 4 Shelties that seem really cool. What do you recommend?
Labs are great, but they are not as easy to train as people think - The first year is hell (Ok, we did get 2 making it much worse), but they can be very stubborn. And if you aren't very strict, you will get a lapdog... I haven't met a lab yet that hasn't tried to climb on my lap at some point. A golden retriever might be a good plan too - They are less hyper than Labs.
Golden's are a great dog but do best if you can let them go to water, be it a ditch lake or stream. you can't make the weather too cold for Labs and Golden's. All dogs the first year are teething plenty of big bones to chew on and they love wood also. Golden's have only one bad trait for the first 3 years and that is they will jump up on you, because they want to be the best friend you ever had. Golden's do have hair shedding issues but can be cut back in the summer. Golden is not just a name or color it's because, the nature of these dogs and their patience. Never let the soft looks fool you they will defend you with their lives. Our Golden has already flipped one pitbull and put him on his back and commenced to kill him. Took 2 folks to drag the dog off.

what a lovely story so great to hear how your goldy was going to kill a pitbull... by the way i dont think it matters what the breed of your first dog is my first dog was a rescued pitbull terrier and she was amazing she protected my pregnant girlfriend from 2 large shepherd type dogs one looked nervous aggressive or may have just been following the other dogs lead but regardless of breed the owner was an idiot he made no attempt to recall his dogs but his dogs changed their mind after seeing bailey who was on lead luckily for them and only managed to give them a verbal and a bit of a show.. choosing a good breeder is very important they will be able to tell you what to expect exercise and temperament wise, exercise requirements of your chosen breed should match your activity level and good socialization is a must for any breed if you get these basics right youl be happy with your chosen dog

Get a Red Doberman, trained cool dogs i had mine for almost 14 years until he passed away. DO NOT CROP THE EARS!!!
OH I so agree with you on this. same with tails. a dog needs its tail for so many things. one is to show you how happy or worried it is. tail goes under when worried or unhappy, wags like mad when happy OUR dog won a waggiest tail comp in mutt contest. lol She was lovely, now on our third this one is a staffie cross but rescue as have all our dogs except the first. Deepha( D for Dog) was my special lady and no idea what her parentage was as her mother died giving birth to 4 puppies BUT Deepha was so loyal and intelligent she learn STAY in a situation where I was across the road and she had jumped off our boat to follow me. She also was my best companion when I was so ill I could not talk but she would go fetch my husband when I needed help.
Thanks Yerboogieman for your comment.
Hey'a Shino. If you are a first time dog owner a lab would be perfect as they are pretty difficult to 'muck up'. Don't get me wrong, if you neglect them, don't give them daily exercise, and let them lawd it over you they will be a pain in the butt. However, they at least are normally well balanced mentally. But no matter what dog you get, the fastest way to get problems is to not exercise them every day. Very few dogs require less exercise than at a bare minimum 3/4 - 1 hour of good solid trotting with runs in between. Most dogs are under exercised in our western society. I have a Rhodesian Ridgeback and she needs a good hour at least. In the winter I take her beside me on my bike up hill and down dale and she's happy as larry. Some of that run is at near full speed for her (down the hill of course as I can't keep up with her In the summer it's quite hot where I am, so I take her early morning or evening for walks with a few runs in between. Also, if you can afford it, feed a diet NATURAL to your dog....that's meat, meat and meat and a few bones, especially the edible ones, raw....not cereals, and other human foods. Shelties are cool little dogs but can be very noisy. My RR never barks unless there's someone coming. All the best dog hunting. :o)
Oh...just a shouldn't exercise a dog under 6 months hardly at all....just playing in the backyard, or take him in your car to other places to meet people and other dogs. It's really important to protect their skeletal system when they are young...let them grow...then introduce the regular exercise I am talking about above.
if you exercise dogs when thear yong thay will behave. becuse if they are hiper thay are more likley to be bad!!!
Actually, if you exercise your dog too much, and give them the wrong kind of exercise when they are too young, you have a higher risk of skeletal problems, (particularly hips) especially with the larger breeds. You must be careful when they are young to keep them from repetitive jumping off things, hard running, etc. Just playing in the backyard or a park is fine. If you want a young dog to behave, then be the pack leader! That is predominantly what keeps any dog well behaved; just ask my Rhodesian
Being partial to AKC Golden Retrievers, You can't beat these dogs. Very few bad traits and extra smart dog. The hair problems, just have them trimmed close once a year. They are outside dogs and need a lot of exercise. Love to swim, go, meet people-very social.
Thats a tough question. It depends on what you are looking for and what type of a place you have. We have a large field around our place so our large dogs can get plenty of exercise. If you have a house with a small backyard or an apartment, then go with a cool small breed. Unfortunately i don't really know about them. As for large breeds, I've had golden retrievers which are always super friendly. But you cannot go wrong with a lab. They are friendly, smart, and I have yet to meet someone who is unhappy with a lab.
Mm. We have large fields around the house, big yard and stuff. We want something we can do stuff with, not lazy and stuff. We had a retriever once that was pretty cool. I used to like rottweilers, but my dad's cat got killed by one, so meh. XD
*double post* We also go camping alot during the summer, so we want a dog we can play with then.
But games really ARE exercise, and a great way to change up your exercise routine. First, part of the purpose of exercise for a dog, even a walk, is to provide mental activity. Having new experiences and things to see, hear, smell and think about exercise the mind and make for a happier dog, a calmer dog, and a less destructive dog. Playing games certainly provides a dog something to think about--a challenge and and goal.

Second, even mild games generally get a dog moving, more than lying around does. Any movement is healthy. Sustain that movement for 20 minutes, you have just worked out. Do that workout 4 days a week or more, you have an exercise routine, easy peasy.

Third, while mild games may not provide an intense cardio workout, it will provide other benefits. It will elevate heart rate and circulation somewhat, and even a little burns calories. Mild games and learning tricks gently stretches muscles and joints--very good for dogs how have trouble working out anyway. And of course the mental stimulation is important for mental health (for both of you!)

You may think learning a trick is boring, but most dogs do not. It is still movement and activity--better than doing nothing, it is mental stimulation, and it is time with you. Again, some activity is better than none.

I think games are a great way of getting your dog exercising if 1) YOU are bored with the walk (your dog is not!) 2) you or your dog can't get out for a walk 3) you have a very smart breed that has more energy than you do and a 5 mile run is out of the question, 4) you just want some variety in your routine.
We have a lab and due to my boyfriends job we currently live in a small two bedroom apartment, but we've found numerous ways for him to get exercise indoors, without wearing us out or breaking things. One easy way is to take a chair that spins (I have a computer chair) and place it in an open space. Get a rope or other sturdy tug of war toy and take a couple spins in one direction, that way he can run fast. Switch directions unpredictably. Toss the toy in between so he doesn't get dizzy or bored. If he catches it you can let him tug at it and since your in the spinny chair you really just have to hold on to it and he'll sway you around and so it's still fun but also reduces the harsh tugging on his teeth. My boyfriend kind of thought this was mean at first, but I got one of those laser pointers (they actually had one in the pet section). He LOVES it. He knows that he can't physically catch it, but he still loves chasing it. It's good because you can vary the pace and again he doesn't get too bored. He knows it comes from the little tube in my hand, and he'll sniff if and then sit and wait for me to shine it somewhere again. If you're okay with it you can use a hall or a open space (I sit in the corner of the living room if I'm on the couch and from there have a straight shot to the kitchen and foyer) to play fetch with him. We use a plush duck (that quacks when you bite it, way less annoying that squeaky toys) so that it doesn't make loud noises or threaten to break something. We don't use a plush as a tug of war toy so he doesn't think it's okay to pull it apart (in which case he will inevitably try to eat the stuffing). If you have kids this may teach them that throwing things in the house is okay, so that may not be a good idea for your family. He will fetch forever as long as we keep it interesting. If you toss the same toy in the same direction at the same distance of course he'll get bored (I mean, would your idea of good exercise to walk back and forth in the same spot?) I've taught him the difference between his toys and will switch it up and make him get different toy, then sit (or do another trick, like lay or roll over), and then throw it. I'll change up how far I throw it and the direction and sometimes just to where he can catch it. That's a good way to teach tricks because he sees tossing the toy as a reward, reducing the amount of dog treats you may use and also giving him some mental stimulation. He also loves ice cubes, as treats AND toys. If I'm getting something outta the fridge I'll put one on the floor and slide it and he'll push it and chase it around until it melts (oooor goes under the stove...I should probably put something there) One ice cube isn't really gonna be messy. It makes him super happy when I constantly talk to him as I'm doing the dishes or laundry and other stuff I have to do. He follows me around wagging his tail and giving me the "shiny eyes" because I'm giving him attention in a direct way but I'm also able to get stuff done. He's learned the tone of my voice through that too so instead of having to yell at him when he's bad I just use my disappointed voice and look sad as I focus on whatever it is he's done. He immediately drops his tail and ears and comes up to lick me as an apology. I'll just look at him and shake my head and say his name in a sad tone.Then he goes to sulk under a table or the bed. After a few minutes we go and pet him to let him know we still love him, and since labs love pleasing their owners, they quickly lay off of doing things that cause the disappointed look. Of course he's a water dog but there's not really a good place for him to swim around here, but he loves the shower, lol. I was showering one day and he poked his head around the curtain, then hopped in... I definitely wasn't expecting that. But he loved it, so now every now and then I'll turn it on and let him get in and try to catch the water. Or I'll fill up the garden tub and sit with my feet in and keep dunking a ball for him to catch. It is adorable. Surprisingly it's not really messy and since he's a lab his coat repels most of the water so it's easy to towel dry him afterwards. I know this is super long... I'm one of those people who talk about my dog like mothers talk about their children, lol. The only two things we've had a really hard time breaking him of is biting (playfully, but still) and jumping. Does anyone have any recommendations for how to get him to stop nipping at us or chewing on things... we've used apple bitter (which he doesn't like but as soon as it's dry he goes right back to it... he even starting chewing a hole in the drywall... ?! He is in that older puppy phase (8 months) so of course it's natural but I know he's smart enough to learn that it's bad... unfortunately I'M not smart enough to figure out how to teach him. It's hard to make myself do the disappointing thing because I'm too busy trying to fend him off if he's excited (like when I first get home or start playing something fast paced. Conventional training on these don't seem to be working. He knows down and no jumping, but that only stops it for a moment. If we say 'sit' he'll immediately sit and wait for the next command, and that calms it down a bit, but if I don't quickly give him another command or play with him he just jumps on me again. Advice is definitely welcome. Okay, I believe this is long enough... L=
Hi. It looks like you have a great dog. I was able to break my dog from the jumping habit. I keep a spray bottle with water in it. He happens to hate to have water sprayed in his face. Not all dogs do, though, and a lab probably won't mind. Still, it's worth a try.

Positive training methods are best. You can learn them from reading if you don't want to go to a class. I like to keep my dog's mind active with training, and he enjoys it. It's a puzzle for him to figure out what I am trying to get him to do. A friend gave me a fascinating book called Smellorama, Nose games for dogs. It's very cool.

Good luck!
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