How to Get a Free X-box 360


Intro: How to Get a Free X-box 360

as most of you see this instructable you will think that its either impossible or just a scam. well, the scam people would be half right. to get the 360 you either half to refer 8 people or complete 4-5 offers. (you may recognize this from those pop-up or e-mail ads you get constantly) but this one actually works. though the ads do cost a little money, they are things you might actually want, (eg. blockbuster membership, nutrisystem, books, etc.) but no matter how many offers you need, it wont be as much as a real x-box-360 this is real!!!

STEP 1: The Site

this is the only thing you'll need (besides credit card or check)

the link

Click here

once there, select what you want(choice between x-box bundles and money) then enter your e-mail,fill out your personal info on the next page (can be fake if you want) and then finally select points acount on the following page and your done.

now fill out a couple offers and wait a week for your gift ;)

STEP 2: How It Works?

this actually works. ive done it and got my 360 fast.

the way they can do this is because they are being paid by the companies whos offers they have and sending some of that money to you when you finish your offers. this way everyone wins! plus the offers are cheaper than they would normally be.