How to Get Some Revenge on the Credit Companies


Intro: How to Get Some Revenge on the Credit Companies

If you are like me, you receive pre-approved credit card applications in the mail... All the time... Every day. These credit applications promise super-low credit for a limited time only. We are all well aware that sooner or later the super low credit gets replaced by arm-and-leg credit (usually more sooner than later). The cost for credit companies to mass mail these applications is minimal to the amount of revenue that they get in return from people who actually fill these things out, return them, and then max out the cards on chocolate and potted meat. Even the people who are too smart to fill them out have to deal with the guilt of throwing these things away and crying over the amount of trees that died for our credit sins. All in all, the credit companies have nothing to lose. It's a win-win situation for these companies and a lose-lose situation for the masses. Yet, as I have discovered, there is a way to turn this around on the credit companies so that not only do they have to pay DOUBLE POSTAGE for these things, they in turn have to deal with all the environmental guilt of pitching them in the trash. This process was first demonstrated to me by my sister-in-law. It is so common-sense-spiteful, that I am ashamed for not figuring it out myself. Individually, all this will do is offer a brief amount of satisfaction. Yet in mass, this will be a real pain to the credit companies.

STEP 1: Collecting Credit Applications.

This is the easiest part of this process. As a matter of fact, credit companies take care of it for you. All you need to do is get your mail.

STEP 2: Open Applications and Remove Contents.

I use a sharp novelty knife that I bought at the 50% off Asian store in the mall. It is only a 2 week 50% off sale, they say, but it has been that way for 3 years now.

STEP 3: Locate Enclosed Addressed Return Envelopes.

These are the most important objects to this process. Remove these and set them safely aside. You will need to use these later.

STEP 4: Remove Any Mention of Your Name and Address.

This step is not very necessary. I, however, like to commit my acts of aggression in total anonymity. If you are not paranoid like I, you may skip to step 6.

STEP 5: Throw Away All Evidence of Your Efforts.

If you participated in step 4, throw your contact info in the trash. As you can see, I am collecting wrapping paper, tape, Target bags, a metal rod and a disassembled scanner in my trashcan. Emptying your trash is completely optional.

STEP 6: Shred All Contents.

Rip all contents of the applications, special offers and pictures that were sent to you, including the horse they rode in on... err... envelopes they arrived in. Remember NOT to include the return envelopes from step 3 in the massacre of the other contents.

STEP 7: Help the Return Envelopes Pack for a Small Trip.

Stuff all that shredded stuff into the return envelopes. At this point, you may also include other trash that you have lying around, pictures of dogs, cereal UPCs, newspaper clippings of local stories, etc. It is safe to know what you are not allowed to mail through the US Postal service, then not include those items.

STEP 8: Seal Envelopes.

Lick 'em and seal 'em. Lick 'em and seal 'em. Lick 'em and seal 'em. I just like saying "lick 'em". They are now ready to be dropped in the mailbox and sent back to a mail room full of people who are not expecting to have to sort through confetti.

STEP 9: Finishing Up.

At this point all you need to do is mail them. Remember that the credit companies pay the return postage and you do not need a stamp.

If enough people adopt this method of rebellion, the credit companies may begin to rethink their strategies of mass advertising. Probably not, but at least we are giving back to them the trash that they have given to us for so long. It is now their responsibility to worry about recycling!

(Many, many, many people have commented that you can tape the envelopes to bricks or other heavy objects to run up the postage rates that the companies have to pay. I feel that I should point out that the bricks NEVER get delivered and the companies DO NOT pay for them. The postal service has regulations on the size of the envelopes as well as the weight. If the package exceeds the correct size and weight, the USPS DOES NOT DELIVER IT & THE COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SHIPPING CHARGES! This was put into place to keep people from mailing bricks and other heavy objects.)



You can go here and reduce some of your junk mail:

Also, you can go to to opt out of all those darn shopping catalogs you get in the mail.

Every stinking time I order something from a new company online, they send me their dumb catalogs in the mail. I seriously can't figure that one out. Obviously if I can shop at their website, I don't need their stupid inventory in paper form in my mail box!

I don't know how to opt out of those credit card offers, if anyone has a handy phone number or website, that would be great.

Here is how to opt-out of the Credit card offers.
Using the "" site that you have mentioned; is the way to decrease credit card offers significantly!
1) Do the "Permanent Opt-Out by Mail" option; in which you will need to print out and send by mail to complete.
2) Then; after about 7 to 14 days later; go back to that "optoutprescreen" website; : Select: Electronic Opt-Out for 5 years; using the same address. Don't forget to include the correct apartment number or letter (if applicable) in the "Apt. or Suite #" box.
If you wish, you may leave your SSN and/or DOB Phone number blank; for an "exact match.
But Note that the credit bureaus already have this info; and this site is fully secure & approved by the FTC ["Federal Trade Commission."].
3) In the meantime, when/if you keep getting credit card offers If there is a "BRM (business reply envelope)" included: Then: be sure to separate ONLY the Actual application (cut neatly w/ scissors on the line; then, circle your name, address, any numbers; and write: "Remove me from your direct offers/mailing list/ Do not solicit! Thank you!" ; (Then, initial & dateā€”in ink; do not blur out name/address bar codes; numbers; etc.); & promptly return these to a secure Blue Mailing box or inside a post office. If no BRM envelope, call the "application number" ; and ask to be removed. Even if there is a BRM envelope; still call & ask to be removed, & then send it back, as well! This will take time. For any current credit cards/debit cards: Call the customer service numbers: tell them that you wish to keep your account(s); yet wish to be removed from direct offer mails; & to opt-out from sharing information to the extent provided by law; & to not receive "checks" in the mail.
4) Other: Go to "" and fill out information.
5) It will take some time. Good luck!
No one has mentioned that this practice is against the law. Its called "mail fraud", and you could be prosecuted. The United States Postal Service is not to be considered a public venue for our junk mail protests. To avoid any traceable evidence, you need to cut out ALL references to your identity. These include bar codes, company codes, your name and address, the application number, etc. Cut these out before mailing back, or you could end up being the poster boy for mail fraud: What Not To Do to the USPS!
You are going to have to provide a reference to the section of law that you are referring too. If it was illegal to mail junk to people we wouldn't have this problem in the first place.
It is only illegal if you send them something harmful. Sending their cr4p back to them is NOT illegal. If you are afraid of it, then just write "Return to Sender" on the letter and mail it back.
Post office does not return mail that is not "first class" ==The Post office Trashes that mail.--go ahead and ask.
Ya know, Detox, I have spent 2 hours searching for the applicable law, and I couldn't find it! So you are probably right, and I am wrong. I had always heard this was illegal, but I cannot prove it. However, it sort of does seem to be like "stealing", because one is spending the sender's postage for purposes other than intended by sender.

Also, I did learn a few things in my search. For example, stuffing the envelope with heavy contents to make them pay more postage, I don't think that works. Here's the applicable law under
United States Postal Service's Domestic Mail Manual:

While doing my search, I came across countless forums with folks all talking about, and doing, the same thing!! Apparently, returning junk mail to sender is quite common! Maybe we'll actually get somewhere on this! Thanks for your post.
I would so send all the junk mail I get and send it to them.

In the UK, I believe that using pre-paid envelopes to sent to another person or company is illegal.

Great idea - I need to give it a go. Have often thought about doing this

You could mail them back something much more nasty... I don't know - use your imagination.

i wanted to mail dog poop once. i settled for joint Spackle

i take it a step further by mailing pencil shavings as well as concrete back to the sender. it is a globby mess for the company to deal with !!!!!!!!!!

i take it a step further by mailing pencil shavings as well as concrete back to the sender. it is a globby mess for the company to deal with !!!!!!!!!!

I know a way that you can annoy them even more. Copy the address on a new envolope and pots it to them. They will have to pay a premium postage rate for the letter. This not only costs them money but it also costs them time

At least now, the credit card companies will pass the additional cost on to the consumers. Well played

I like the way you think. Enough credit card companies jerking us around, La Resistance!

At least now, the credit card companies will pass the additional cost on to the consumers. Well played

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