How to Lower Case All File Names in the Active Windows Folder Using AutoHotkey


Intro: How to Lower Case All File Names in the Active Windows Folder Using AutoHotkey

Since one of the most repeated jobs using computers is renaming files, this instructable will teach you, how to automate this process in a very smart way using AutoHotkey.

STEP 1: Download and Install AutoHotkey

AutoHotkey is a small program that allows you to script some stupid things you repeat all the time in a very nice way. To get run AutoHotkey scripts you need the AutoHotkey client. You can get it here:

Just download the executable, install the software in your favorite destionation and you are done.

STEP 2: Install the Script

  1. Download the script here:
  2. Save it to your preferred location on your computer, name it .ahk
  3. Double click the file, AutoHotkey should recognize it automatically

STEP 3: Use the Script

Whenever you got a windows explorer window in focus, just press the windows key and "m". This will rename all files in this folder automatically to lowercase.

STEP 4: Modify the Script

Of course you can change the hotkey to any hotkey you like. Just replace the "#m" with anything you like. For example: If you want to run the script when you press the control key and m, just use "^m".

You can find a list of all key bindings here: