How to Make Alcohol at Home


Intro: How to Make Alcohol at Home

Note: For a sugar wash, you probably don't need to sterilize anything. Just wash it with soap and water. The presence of other microbes can alter the taste if you plan to drink it. The alcohol produced in this video will be distilled in a future video.

This is a very basic way that you can make your own DRINKABLE ethanol at home. The main premise of this video is to show just how simple and easy it is to ferment your own alcohol. In a future video, I will try to dispel some myths regarding homebrewing, such as the exaggerated risk of methanol poisoning. I will also demonstrate how easy and safe it can be to distill your own ethanol from the wash that you produce.

In this video, I prepare a sugar wash (fermentation of sugar only). The process is similar to the preparation of wine or beer, but uses pure table sugar instead of a variety of different sugars, fruits or other additives. Also, more yeast is used in order to speed things up a little.

The final product should be ready in a week or two. If you want to drink it, you can. Just clear it first using a clearing solution and clean the taste up using activated carbon. It still won't taste very good though.

NOTE: Be aware that there are some things that when added might be dangerous. So, please, if you decide to add something to the fermentation, please verify beforehand that it is safe.

Here are some calculators to calculate how much sugar you need to make a certain amount of alcohol.


Great. Looking forward to your next step.

Just a note on the airlock, in your case the airlock is important to keep contaminants out, not air. Some times in the initial weeks of fermentation oxygen is bubbled in to the mash to help with fermentation. After fermentation is over oxygen is generally bad.

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing this!