Introduction: How to Make a Confetti Grenade

In This instructable i wil show you how to make a confetti grenade when trown this grenade will explode on contact

Step 1: Supplies

The Supplies you'll need are shown in the picture below 2 film canisters 4 rubber bands bits of torn up paper and a peace of card board about 2 times the size of a postage stamp

Step 2: Filling Up

In this step just basically fill the canisters equally with the paper

Step 3: The Cardboard

now take your piece of card board and put it on top of one canister then just put the other one on top

Step 4: The Rubber Band and Safety Mode

there is a ready mode and a safety mode The ready mode should have one rubber band around the entire grenade like in picture 1 the safety mode should have 4 rubber bands around it like in picture 2

Step 5: The Launching

Now just put your grenade in ready mode and throw at your sibling I AM NOT ADVISING YOU TO DO SO IF YOU GET IN TROUBLE I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE have fun!!