How to Make a Little City for a Movie.


Intro: How to Make a Little City for a Movie.

If you like making short films and want to make a monster movie where the monster stomps on all the buildings, than this indetructable is for you.

You will be making lots of buildings to put together a small city.


Lots and lots of paper
glue and tape
computer and printer

STEP 1: The Basics

To start, think what kind of buildings do you want: skyscrapers, houses, or like a computer game environment.

First go to this link and chose what you want and save the files in a separate folder. Be sure to rename the files.

STEP 2: Cut Out the Pieces

Print out the files and cut them out. It should look like this.

STEP 3: Putting It Together

To put it together just follow the instructions and glue it together.

STEP 4: The End


Awesome! I love paper craft.
Oooooooh. I thought it said "How to make a Lego city for a movie" ha ha ha. But this is sweet, G.
step 5:place fireworks in it and ignite :-)
I sorta did that...cept mine was a cat and I lit it up with my airsoft gun :)