How to Make the Simplest Match Bomb


Intro: How to Make the Simplest Match Bomb

In this instructable I will be showing you how to make a match bomb.
you will need:

-masking tape
-someting that cuts paper
 thats it


open the box and cut out the striker.dont cut yourself! (this hurts)

STEP 2: Cut to Size

cut the striker to the whith of the box and place it in with the red on the tips of the matchs.

STEP 3: Start the Rapping

start to rap in the needs to be air tight but not so much that you have used a full roll of tape.

STEP 4: Finished

if you have done it corectly you can now throw it. try to make to land on the ends.
if it dosn't work just try again.


here's a better and more reliable instructable of mine:

it does not work

Can a fuse be used or will all the pressure escape through the fuse hole?? 5 * instructable
A sparkiler works as a fuse, you have to rap it very well.
I have no fuse to try but it may work.
I made one of these except it had a fuse and it just shot gases out the fuse hole. So then I made another one with a longer fuse and dropped it into a plastic container and screwed the lid on and it blew up. I have pictures of the bottle that I could post if you want me to.
it is so much easer with something like a fuse.but I find it fun not knowing if it will go off or not.and then it gose off when you lease expect it.

any pictures would be great,I can post them into the ible if you like
Ok, thanks. I am going to try to make one of these with a fuse.
Just a tip for a more explosive exciting match box bomb;

get two boxes of matchs and cram as many as you can into the one box then wrap it in tin foil

Well doen