How to Make a Simple Minecraft House


Intro: How to Make a Simple Minecraft House

This house can be made in any Minecraft edition. Materials used in the house may be exclusively for one version only (PC/Mac not the same material as XBOX/PE). The house size is 8x10.

STEP 1: Materials

You wil also need a lighting material of your choice.

STEP 2: Building the Foundation

The house is 10x8.

STEP 3: Building the Roof

STEP 4: Building the Floor and Placing Lighting


you can use any material for the roof
It's really good but hard to see I am making it now but it would be easier if it was Day time

it's really funny that you have a chicken photobombing in 2 of your pictures

it's really funny that you have a chicken photobombing in 2 of your pictures

Like your grave. Just kidding!

It can be made in all editions, but some materials are exclusive to PC (i.e. the stained glass if you want it or the dark oak wood).