How to Make a Simple, Small and Strong Electromagnet


Intro: How to Make a Simple, Small and Strong Electromagnet

Hi everyone, i am going to tell u how to make a small, simple and strong electromagnet. Sorry about the bad quality pics and videos and i could not upload many pics step by step, but i will try to explain as much as i can. U can see the videos in the last step.

STEP 1: The Items You Will Need

The items you will need are:-
1. 20 gauge enamel coated copper wire also known as magnet wire. ( I bought around 20 meters)
2. a spool like the one i use or something similar.
3. electrical tape.
4. 6v battery (better if using 800-850 ma) i used a 1.5A.
5. A ac to dc converter.
6. aligator clips.
7. a neodymium magnet.

And a lot of time.

STEP 2: Step 3

This is the most toughest, boring and time taking step of all. All u need to do is take the 20 gauge copper wire and coil it around the spool until u get 6-7 layers. You have to coil them close and tight, and have to put some electrical tape after each layer.

STEP 3: Step 4

Now once u have finished coiling the wire u can heat the tip of the wire until it gets red hot or red and then take a wet steel wool and scrap of the enamel coating off the wire. then u should be able to see bright copper.


Okay, ur electromagnet is ready, now to test it take a converter of 800-850 ma(i used 500 ma which is really weak.) and connect the pins using the alligator clips and then set the converter on 9v and above and u can test it by dropping a magnet inside it and it will stay in the middle and if ur using a 800 or 850 ma converter try keeping a iron or steel nail at the bottom of the elctromagnet and release it and it should get sucked into the middle this is called solenoid effect and u can study more about it here If ur not using an 850ma converter just use an 6v 1.5A or an 6v1A battery and test the experiments given above, but be aware that if u are using a 6v 1.5A battery the electromagnet gets really hot to handle.

STEP 5: Step 5

Great ur electromagnet is done, now if u need to know the north and south pole of a  electromagnet all u have to do is curl ur fingers and then point ur thumb in the direction of the + wire and that will be ur north pole for example if i have connected the battery + to the wire at the top of the coil then that will be the north pole and the other one will be the south pole. Thanks for reading the instructable and i hope it was helpful and informative.These are the video links



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I'm trying to magnetize a ferrite powder, Could I use something like this?

Thanks Chris

As you made it, approx. how much can it lift/repel? And how big is it?
Also, video links aren't working on my phone.
I forgot to tell this , u can increase ur electromagnets strength by adding a iron core and i recommend a soft iron core because soft iron gets magnetised when there is electricity and gets demagnetised when there is no current, but the other irons get magnetised and maintain that property. A few examples are objects made out of steel get magnetised and dont get demagnetised.
even better, just use a weak solid ferrite magnet for the core, which you would increase its magnetism with using the coil. if your core magnet is too strong, heat it up a little bit so its hot to touch, and it will gradually loose its magnetism. stop heating and cooling once its weak enough. but overheat and it looses it completely.