How to Make an Adjustable Clamp.


Intro: How to Make an Adjustable Clamp.

I thought of a way to make a clamping mechanism to work with my larger projects.  I use these to glue together Cajon drums.  These plans can be modified to fit smaller size projects as well.  

thread all
lock nuts 
wing nuts
scrap plywood.


Nice !

Messy worktable, huh ?… Guess it's worse behind the curtain…  lol
LOL. Well. What do you do when you have lots of stuff and love to work with wood but only have a one car garage.

Keeping the bench clear is one of the biggest problems in the workshop. If you can solve that problem you will have a very popular Instructable!

Welp........ That will never happen.

Whats behind the curtain is classified!!!!!
I couldn't have come with a better answer !!!… LOL

Happy holidays to you and family / friends !
And also you and yours. Thanks.