How to Make Exploding Blowgun Darts


Intro: How to Make Exploding Blowgun Darts

This is my first Instructable, so go easy on me.

This Tutorial will show you a step-by-step process to make Exploding Blowdarts.



Let me start by saying that these darts have the potential to really hurt someone. I strongly advise that you don't shoot anything living.

These explode, and can cause damage to property, don't shoot at anything you don't intend to destroy.


STEP 1: Materials

The materials required to build these darts do not include the blowgun itself.

Here, I'm using a 4' section of 3/4" PVC Pipe, somewhere close to 60 Calibers.


Paper - A magazine page cut in half is the perfect size.
Silicone or other Epoxy - This will hold the materials in the cone at the end
Ring Caps - Note: These must be ring caps, paper roll caps WILL NOT work.
Pencil Eraser (Not Shown) - Take a regular #2 Pencil and cut off the eraser. Simple
Tape - Holds cone together
Needle Nose Pliers (Not Shown) - To extract fuel

STEP 2: Forming the Cone

Here we will form the basic body of the dart. In this step we will use the paper and the tape.

Start with the paper holding it horizontally, with two fingers and a thumb at the bottom right, and one finger and thumb at the top left. (Picture 1)

Roll the top left fingers over the bottom right. This will form a rough cone. (picture 2)

Use the positions of your fingers to adjust the width and length of the cone (this requires practice)

Note: In order for this dart to work, there must be no wider than a pinprick opening at the tip, or the powder may fall out later.

Once you have rolled the cone, place a small piece of tape on it to hold its shape and give it strength.

Important: Do not place the tape closer than 1/2" away from the tip of the cone. This part needs to stay weak.

Now simply place the large cone into the blowgun, mark it with a sharpie, and cut it on the line. (Pictures 4&5)

STEP 3: Extracting the Fuel

This is the power of the dart. Here we will be extracting the chemical mixture "Armstrong's Mix" from the ring caps.

This dart was made with three rings of caps

The Video shows it way better than i can describe, but I'll do it anyway.

Spread out a piece of paper with a fold down the middle.

Take your pliers (placing one tong on each side of the cap) and squeeze the ring caps along the sides to crimp them. (This alone will not extract the Mix). Crimp each cap once or twice.

Then take the pliers again and put one tong on the outside of the ring, and one on the inside. Crimp them once more, most of the material that didn't fall out before should now. (if not, repeat the process until it does) You will know when all the material is gone when the small white circle falls out of the cap. (keep these with the rest of the Mix)

Make sure to catch the Mix on the paper, this will make inserting it into the cone much easier.

STEP 4: Constructing the Dart

Now we will undertake the final construction of the dart.

Make sure the cone tip is dabbed with a tiny bit of epoxy if there is a hole there

First add the Explosive mix (represented by the salmon-y coloring the graphic), using the paper to funnel it in.

Once that has settled down to the bottom, place in the pencil eraser(The pink color). Make sure to tamp down the eraser to pack the mix firmly.

Next comes the epoxy (The light blue color) use this to seal the whole mix in. Don't be too liberal with the epoxy, as it will weigh down the dart. Just enough to cover the eraser is fine.

Now you're set! All you have to do is wait for the epoxy to dry and fire it off!

Enjoy, and be safe!

STEP 5: Finishing Touches

Here's a video showing some of my exploding darts. The first type are just a cap sitting on the end of a blunt nail (not shown in this Instructible) the second portion are the ones showed here. Pay special attention to the last one, Big Bertha.

Also, some pictures of the actual explosions are here too.



dood try this if you have a real blowgun. get the plunger from th eend of the dart and attach a piece of clotheshanger on the end. attach 1 cap from the ring at it is loud as hell. or you could jjust stick one cap on the end of a thumbtack and shoot it. all of these methods are tried and true, so if it didnt work yuo did it wrong.
I've done this before with a filed down nail and cap on the end. Quite a fantastic dart if all you're looking for is a bang.
Anyone thats making these darts be REALLY careful. Armstrong's mixture can explode just because you tap it, and it doesn't need a container to violently explode. Just had to say this.
haha I liked the last one but i don't see how this could kill something. I remember I saw this website that showed how to make something like that but it was more complicated and didn't make a big bang. but it did shot farther.
You could definitely cause some long term hearing damage if you shot close to their ear. It is also possible to suffer a flesh wound from shrapnel, depending on how much tape you wrap the dart in.
plz re upload the videos
NONE of these Videos does work... all removed from youtube
3/4" PVC pipe, sometimes I make 1/2" darts for my air gun.
Sorry, fixed. Just trying to keep my nice videos from the general public.
Cool! I knew there was another use for them other than firecrackers!
at first i looked at this and yelled PAPER DARTS IN DISTRUCTABLES ITS A TRAVESTY then i realized it exploded and thats enough of a redeeming factor for me

also have a movie of them exploding and try mixing flash powder in with it for a bigger boom
Flash powder doesn't sound too bad, but I can't be bothered to grind the aluminum and extract the oxidizer now. Maybe a future instructable. Movie coming soon!
that's cool! first comment!
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it.
You're Welcome!
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