Intro: How to Make the ULTIMATE SMOKEBOMB

Hey, this is the first Instructable to be listed on the website that tells you how to make Smoke Grenades; I couldn't find one so I decided to make one. Its my first time to list so don't be too hard on me if I screw up, just leave a comment or something.

STEP 1: You Will Need:

The items you will need to make a Smoke Grenade are as follows:

1. Potassium Nitrate (KNO3, Saltpetre,Saltpeter) is a common fertiliser and stump remover available from most garden stores.
2. Ordinary granulated sugar.
3. Powdered dye (optional)
4. Firework fuses.
5. A stove or hot plate.
6. Duct tape.

STEP 2: Mixing the KNO3 and Sugar.

First, pour three measures of Potassium Nitrate into a small saucepan. (Pic.1)
Add two equal measures of plain Sugar. (Pic.2)
Warm on LOW heat on the stove or hot plate until the sugar starts to Caramelise. (Pics 4&5)
Once this starts to happen, KEEP STIRRING. The mix wiil burn very easily and ruin your Smokebomb (Pic 3)
You will end up with a very thick, light brown liquid.

STEP 3: Adding the Dye.

Now you may add Powdered Dye if you want to: add threee large spoons and stir well.
Also at this stage you could add a spoonful of Baking Soda if you like, it will slow the combustion and your smokebomb will burn for a little bit longer; However if you put in baking POWDER or BREAD soda instead, your mix will expand very rapidly to about four times its size, and set solid in about ten seconds.

STEP 4: Setting the Mould.

With or without the Dye, your mix should now be a thick dark liquid. Pour this into a cardboard tube such as a toilet roll or Smarties tube, and push a thick pen into the middle of the mix. Allow it an hour to set and remove the pen. The smokebomb will burn better from the shape it is in now.

STEP 5: Finishing Touches.

Now, insert the Firework fuse und fix it in place with a small ball of cotton wool or paper towel. Wrap the whole thing in Duct tape or some other Construction tape, MAKE SURE TO LEAVE A SMALL HOLE AT THE TOP FOR THE FLAME TO REACH THE MIX AND THE SMOKE TO EXIT.
Thats it: Your finished and your smokebomb is ready to be lit.

Also a word of caution: DO NOT hold the Grenade while it is lit, or Throw it inside as the flame reaches huge teperatures when burning, and it would be all to easy to start a fire. Throw the first one outside and feel the heat of it after.


Hey, Sorry I couldn't post a video of the smokebomb too, I tried and it corrupted when uploading. I still dont know why, but theres videos on Youtube and Metacafe that are worht your while looking at. Thanks for lookin, Brian.