How to Password Protect a Folder!


Intro: How to Password Protect a Folder!

Sometimes, We have some private data which we want to lock.SO here are the steps to lock a folder.
Please note the following steps requires win xp / vista / windows 7. Mac is not supported
BY-Sahil Nilay

STEP 1: Step 1.

1.Download WinRAR application. here is the link-

STEP 2: Step 2.

2.Now using WinRAR compress or archive your private folder.

STEP 3: Step 3.

3.NOW you will get the compressed folder. Right click on it and then select open.(You should not extract in butĀ  RIGHT click on the compressed file only.)
4.After thisĀ  you will get a Win rar archive window.There you can see your files displayed in a list.
5.Now either press Ctrl+P or in file menu select Default password (it is the 4th option from top)
6.Now enter the password you want.

STEP 4: Step 4.

7.MOST IMPORTANT-tick Encrypt File Name.
8.Now your folder is protected, whenever you want to seek your data,enter the password and extract it.


nice post. But I have also found a different method which you can use to hide your folder with a password. You can watch it here:

great instructable bro!!!
simple to understand and easy to make!!!