How to Recycle Old Bra and T-shirt


Intro: How to Recycle Old Bra and T-shirt

I did not want to get rid of my old  T-shirt and my favorite bra.  I decided recycle them into a new couture looking T-shirt. I made applications of lace from bra cups and created a very special looking piece.

STEP 1: Prepare Applications

Disattach bra cups from the bra and cut out the lining from the cups.

STEP 2: Prepare the T-shirt

Cut out the sleeves on old T-Shirt


Pin the bra cups to the shoulder line of the T-shirt.  Attach the cups with zigzag seam to the shoulders. You are the best and you deserve to wear your new T-Shirt!


Your braw is showing :P.. hhe jk nice instrucatble
 Awesome, i don't think you need more steps, but looking at it you should understand.
Sounds like a good 'ible, but it looks like only one picture was uploaded? Are there other pictures for the steps?
It is pretty much self explanatory. I'll try to come up with more pictures. The only thing I can tell you, you will be surprised with how much attention you will get by wearing it (nobody gets it right away).