How to Remove Any Carpet Stain


Intro: How to Remove Any Carpet Stain

Carpet stains can sometimes become very hard to remove using our ordinary cleaning methods.But there are some extra ordinary methods than can remove almost any carpet stains easily.These are simple house hold tips that many of us don't this post i tried to collect many amazing tips to remove stains from your precious carpet with out having to consult a professional carpet cleaner.

The most widely caused stain was due to wine :).

To remove wine stains

  1. 1. Take some salt as fast as possible
  2. 2. Sprinkle the salt immediately on the wine so that the salt will absorb most of the wine from carpet.
  3. 3.If you are fast enough the salt will absorb almost all wine
  4. 4.Then bloat the area with club soda and if the stain persist clean with luke warm .

Blood and Coffee Stains.

  1. 1. Use hydrogen peroxide solution to clean the area .It removes almost all types of stain.
  2. 2. Also bloat with club soda if the stain does not come off easily.

Beer , Urine Stains

  1. 1.Apply salt immediately to absorb some stain.
  2. 2. take some white vinegar
  3. 3.Add a cup of water to it.
  4. 4.Gently rub the carpet with this solution to remove the carpet stain.

Chewing Gum

  1. 1. Take some ice from the refrigerator.
  2. 2. Apply ice to the area where gum was present.
  3. 3.Ice the gum until it become hard and then peel off carefully.


  1. 1.Take a table spoon of ammonia
  2. 2. Add 1 cup of water to it.
  3. 3.Use the solution to remove the stain.

Also you can use hydrogen Peroxide solutions for almost all type of stains just make sure to dilute it with water before using.Source:

These are some of the tips i collected from my own experience and from online tips.Most of these works very well also.If you know any other great tips to clean the carpet ,please post your methods as comments.Cheers :)


Great tips, thanks. any ideas on removing candle wax drippings?

Thanks. Wax can be easily removed by applying some heat.You need to be careful though first scrape off as much as you can.Then apply some clean dry towel over the wax and then iron the towel .this will make the wax to melt and stick to the towel.Repeat the process with a clean towel for hard to clean stains.

Ive printed your flyer and put in my shop. Thank you very much it help a lot, peroxide is ameising. The only problem Ive have whit womit stains on wool carpets it just imposible to remove.

Glad to know that you liked it.About Vomit Stains did you tried applying Baking Soda.It willl absorb the moisture and will only remains as bits which can be vaccumed easily.For hard stains try leaving the baking soda overnight and then vaccum

Well presented and very useful. I have seen a few of these tips in a number of places over the years but it is good to see them all in one place. According to number eight on the chart, ink and grease can be removed with rubbing alcohol. Would that be isopropyl alcohol and it so then wold a higher ratio of alcohol to water be more effective or damaging? The grease and oil I am trying to remove is in a high traffic area and has been ground in from years of use. Would you have any suggestions for getting down to root of the carpet fibers? I have been using a Bissell Proheat 2X and doing a pre-treatment with Dawn dishwashing soap scrubbed in to loosen up the grease. It still does not like right. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Thank you.

Yes you can use Iso Propyl Alcohol.Just apply the alcohol on the ink stain and then bloat it with towel so that the ink transfers to the towel and after all the ink was absorbed bloat the area with warm water.The BISSELL pro heat was very good cleaning solution.Also try using a good carpet shampooer especially one from BISSELL.Visit my site for any queries.


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