How to Replace a 72 Pin Connector for the NES Nintendo System


Intro: How to Replace a 72 Pin Connector for the NES Nintendo System

A Step By Step Video on how to replace the 72 pin connector. It is really easy all that you need is a screwdriver. This will in most cases fix the blue or blinking screen issue that old NES systems tend to have. It's important to clean your cartridges before using them with the new connector. Otherwise you may end up having the same issue sooner than you would expect. Please watch and enjoy this was brought to you by Jeff at


Hey there. I was directed to your video through an Instructable on NES cleaning with a Q-Tip and Windex. I'm a little leery about using Q-Tips for fear of leaving behind little bits of fuzz and I'm not sure what it is about the Windex that would clean off corrosion. What are your thoughts on cleaning games?
I probably wouldn't use windex. That's an ammonia based cleaner diluted with water and dyes. A #2 pencil Ruby Red Eraser is the recommended tool for cleaning the "golden fingers" on the game's edge connectors. Any thing more aggressive than that will only remove the gold electroplate, exposing the copper which will corrode much faster. 95% isopropyl alcohol will wash away grease and wax deposits.