How to Solve a 5 by 5 by 5 Rubik's Cube


Intro: How to Solve a 5 by 5 by 5 Rubik's Cube

In this Instrucable you'll learn how to solve the 5 by 5 by 5 rubiks cube. First I wanted to say, that I'm german, so f I have any spellingmistakes please tell me. I also wanted to say that I invented all movements at my one exept of the special case.

STEP 1: Before You Begin

Before begin Beginning you should know what the movements mean. If there are only the letters turn it clockwise, if there is the letter and ' turn counterclockwise. The directions "FC", "SC" and "UC" will come with arrows (→↓←↑)

STEP 2: Scramble

STEP 3: Center Cross

It's finally time to start! Just follow the pics.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
U F l' U'
The algorythmus of the second pic is:

STEP 4: Compleating the Centers

Now you'll complete the centers.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
Ff d f'
The algorythmus of the second pic is :
Rr' d' r
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
r' d2 r d Rr' d' r

STEP 5: The "Diament"

Now you'll solve the center edgepieces of the first layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
U' FC← U
The algorythmus of the fourth pic is:

STEP 6: The Fat Cross

Now you'll make a fat cross
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
d F d' F'
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
u' F' u2 F
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
F u F'
The algorythmus of the fourth pic is:
F' d F D l D' l' F d' F'
The algorythmus of the fifth pic is:
d' L' d L
The algorythmus of the sixth pic is:
u L u2 L'
The algorythmus of the seventh pic is:
F' d' F
The algorythmus of the eighth pic is:
F d' F' D' r' D r F' d F

STEP 7: Finishing the First Layer

It's time to finish the first layer.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
L' D' L
The Algorythmus for the third pic is:
L' D2 L D L' D' L

STEP 8: Centerpieces of the Second Layer

Now you'll start solving the centerpieces of the second layer. You'll have to solve first the edgecenterpieces, then the cornercenterpieces.
The algorithm of the first pic is:
F2 d' F2
The algorithm of the second pic is:
d2 F R d F' d' F d F' d' F R' F'
The algorithm for the third pic is:
d2 F R d F' d' F R' F'
The algorithm for the fourth pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' d' F d F' L F Uu'
The algorithm for the fifth pic is:
Uu d F' L' d' F d F' L F Uu'

STEP 9: Compleating the Second Layer

It's time to compleat the second layer.
The Algorythmus for the first pic is:
D' L' D' L D F D F'
The Algorythmus for the second pic is:
D F D F' D' L' D' L
The algorythmus for the fird pic is:
L' D' L D F D F' D L' D' F D F D F'

STEP 10: Centerpieces of the Third Layer

Now you'll solve the centerpieces of the third layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
F' Ll' d' F d F' Ll F
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
d' F Rr d F' d' F Rr' F'

STEP 11: Compleating the Third Layer

It's time to compleat the third layer.
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
d R' Ff' d' L d L' Ff L
The algorythmus of the second pic is:
D' F Rr D F' D' F Rr' F'

STEP 12: Centerpieces of the Fourth Layer

It's time to start the fourth layer!
The algorythmus of the first pic is:
F Rr UC↑ U UC↓ U2 UC↑ U UC↓ Rr' F'
The algorythmus ofthe second pic is:
l' U2 l U l' U l
The algorythmus of the third pic is:
r U2 r' U' r U' r'

STEP 13: Finishing the Fourth Layer

Now you'll finish the fourth layer.
The algorythm for the first pic is:
D' F RrUC D F' D' F RrUC' F'
The algorythm for the second pic is:
UuFC d' F' LlUC' D' F D F' LlUC F

STEP 14: Swapping the Cornerpieces

Now it's time to swap cornerpieces. They don't have to be turned correctly, just swaped correctly.
The algorythmus is:
B U B' U' B' R B R'

STEP 15: Turning the Cornerpieces

It's time to turn the cornerpieces. The algorythmus is:
L U' L' U L U' L' D L U L' U' L U L' D'

STEP 16: Swapping the Center Edgpieces

Now you'll start swapping the edgepieces. It doesn't matter how they are tilted.
The algorythmus is:
UC↑ U' UC↓ U2 UCt U' UC↓

STEP 17: Tilting the Center Edgepieces

Now it's Time to tilt the center Edgepieces.
The algorythmus is:
L FC→ L2 FC2 L U' L' FC2 L2 FC← L' U

STEP 18: Putting the Rest of the Edgepieces Into the Right Possision

Now comes the most complecated step. You'll have to put the rest of the edgepieces into the right posisson. You'll have to make first edgepiecepairs with opposit colors. You'll have to switch edgepairs to switch the edges correctly. You'll find everything on the pics.
The algorythmus for the first pic is:
r U2 l' U2 l U2 r' U2 l' U2 l U2
The algorythmus for the second pic is:
l' r U' l r' U2 l' r U' l r'

STEP 19: Tilting the Edgepiecepairs

Your finally at the last Step! You just have to tilt the edgepiecepairs.
The algorythmus is:
R u' d R2 u2 d2 R U' R' u2 d2 R2 u d' R' U

STEP 20: Special Case

You'll sometimes have a special case, that only one edgepair has to be tilted.
The algorythmus is:
r2 B2 U2 l U2 r' U2 r U2 F2 r F2 l' B2 r2


I am unable to solve step 9 ,1 st algorithm...I tried many time..whats wrong there?. kindly help me
14 step is not working
This is not the way to solve a 5*5 cuz we dont solve it layer by layer. first,we do all the centres, then all of the edges and then solve it like a 3*3 cube
9 th step formula is not working
Plz post the correct algorithm
The algorithm doesnt work on step 9 :(
For step 10, my last piece is on the bottom of the cube. What should I do?
You got to step 10?! How did you complete 9?
Step 9 isn’t working. Can you post the correct algorithm please?
Some algorithms are not applicable
Step 9 doesn't work to me..
Post the correct algorithm...

First, I would like to thank you for the time you put into creating this tutorial. It has been very helpful.

However, the algorithms in Step 9 do not seem to be working. I have tried each of them several times and they do not move the pieces as expected. Further, they seem to mess up pieces I have already solved in the first two layers.

Any advice or updated algorithms would be appreciated.


stuck at step 8...

4th and 5th pic algorithm doesnt work.. :(

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