How to Start a Fire With a Flashlight.


Intro: How to Start a Fire With a Flashlight.

This Instructable will show you how to start a fire with a flashlight. A good sized flashlight, not a pocket sized one. I would like to say thank you to Les Stroud, AKA: Survivorman for having this on his Colorado Rockies episode. BE CAREFUL AND DO THIS IN A WELL CONTAINED AREA SO NOTHING ELSE STARTS ON FIRE. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ACCIDENTS OR ARSONS. ALWAYS BE LAWFUL AND CAREFUL.

STEP 1: Items

-Tinder (dead grass and leaves. Just something that will ignite safely.)
-secondary tinder: a pile of dead grass for the campfire
-common sense: don't be stupid when doing this

STEP 2: Break the Glass Cover

Break the glass cover of the flashlight, and get the glass out of it. Do not damage anything else.

STEP 3: Take Out the Bulb and Break It

Break the glass of the bulb, be careful not to damage the filament inside.

STEP 4: Put It Back in the Flashlight.

Screw the remains of the bulb back into the flashlight. No picture. Don't really need it.

STEP 5: Place Tinder

Put the tinder for the fire into the top of the flashlight. Fill it to the top.

STEP 6: Turn It On

It may take a few tries, but it should ignite. Sometimes it doesn't work, don't come crying to me if it doesn't.

STEP 7: Move to Dead Grass Clump Campfire Ball

Move the fire over quickly to the secondary tinder on the ground until the fire is transferred. Then, dump all of the fire from the flashlight onto the campfire. Then get away.

STEP 8: There You Go!


Any high end flashlight with a high power mode or a turbo mode (around 2000-3000 lumens) that uses 18650, 21700, 21650, etc.. Can start a fire simply by getting the light close to tinder. You do not need to break your light, just turn it on. You do not need the one that is all over google. Just a high end light, lith-ion, and a strong turbo mode.
Is it possible to do this with a regular lamp that is plugged in, not a flashlight? ie you break the bulb, use maybe some paper for tinder, and then turn the lamp back on? I ask purely for fiction book purposes as I am an author :)

Just to clarify, do you turn the flashlight on and off until it catches or do you turn it on and leave it on until fire starts?

Realy cool and useful but i guess if you can pay a flashlight you will also be able to pay a matchbox

Thanks for sharing a piece of your knowledge!

here's a tip, use matches! it's easier and you don't waste perfectly good mag lite!

No problem if you have trashed your torch starting a fire, and later you need to see where you're going. Simply use your cigarette lighter to illuminate your path.
Great instructable.... except you have ruined the flashlight and the girlfriend is going to be upset if she needs to pee in the middle of the night and no flashlight eh. LOL
she could use the torch fire as a light
better then she froze to death.
Very tasteful guidance on this step.....well-put.
don't touch my Mag
breaking the bulb is a bad idea. Tie a wire bread tie to a shoe lace and use a battery from the flashlight to make a fire. Just touch the ends of the wire to the battery.
Why not just remove the offense....
ifire, no offense taken, but I believe that breaking it is just that much more fun.
u may think its fun but what if it rains and u need to use ur flashlight?
use the secondary bulb that comes with the maglight. (uswaly< behind the spring in the battery holder, there is a secondary bulb.)
expensive way to make a fire (expecally in the middle of nowhere)
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