Iced Mocha #Hercules2016


Intro: Iced Mocha #Hercules2016

Today I will show you how to make an iced mocha. It doesn't really have to be mocha, it's just turning coffee into delicious, soothing, relaxing, iced coffee of any flavor with a chocolate twist. It barely has any caffeine, since it's mostly milk.

STEP 1: Materials

The materials you need are

-any large water bottle (although i used a chaser)

-coffee of any choice


-coffee maker

-knowledge on how to use a coffee maker

-ice ice baby

-you need some milk

-chocolate milk powder like nesquik and stuff

STEP 2: Making the Coffee

The first step to this beverage is to put about 3 tbsp. of chocolate milk powder into the bottle, then pour about 1 cup of your coffee. You don't have to mix it, since we'll shake it up at the end. By the way, the coffee i used was peanut butter cup flavored and i used nesquik.

STEP 3: Making It Cold

the next step is to make it cold. Pour ice until the ice is about level with the coffee/chocolate mix, then pour milk for the rest. Don't put too much ice since it'll take up too much space for the milk.

STEP 4: Shake and Enjoy

now, cover your water bottle and shake it. Do whatever you want with it after, maybe drink it and its pretty good. I use it to have a bit of caffeine to have energy for an assignment like this, and hopefully you enjoy. FaZe up.


hahaha!!! not even 90 views!! XDXDXDXDXD KEKEKEKE LOOOLOLOLOLLOL

Great project looks super tasty!!!!!! XDXDXDXDXDXDXDXD