Introduction: If Spiders Had Teeth...

This is my project, "If Spiders Had Teeth". It is a spider decoration. I used SculptGL.


  • Computer/Laptop
  • Internet

Step 1: Open SculptGL.

Step 2: Start With a Sphere.

Step 3: Make a Shape for the Body and Head.

You can do this with the crease, brush, and flatten tool.

Step 4: Add a Jaw and Shape an Empty Mouth.

You can use the brush, drag, and flatten tool for this step.

Step 5: Add and Shape Teeth.

You can do this with the drag and crease tool.

Step 6: Crease a Nose Onto the Face.

You can use the crease tool for this.

Step 7: Add Eyes.

Use the brush and crease tool for this step.

Step 8: Add Legs.

Use the drag and smooth tool for this.

Step 9: Add a Base.

This can be done by adding a cylinder and transforming it.

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest