Impossible Staircase


Intro: Impossible Staircase

The Penrose stairs, also known as the impossible staircase, is a two-dimensional depiction of a staircase in which the stairs make four 90-degree turns as they ascend or descend yet form a continuous loop. Although the staircase is conceptually impossible, it does interfere with your perception since it looks like a person could climb forever and never get any higher.

Watching the video is the easiest way to see how it works. I’ve included a drawing which is linked in the video description.

STEP 1: Tools/Materials


  • Band Saw
  • Tape measure
  • Pencil
  • Clamps
  • Sander (optional)


  • Wood 1 x 6 or 1 x 3
  • Wood glue

STEP 2: Cut First Side

Cut wood as shown in the pictures. I used a table saw for the sections and a band saw for the steps.

STEP 3: Cut Second Side

STEP 4: Cut Third Side

STEP 5: Cut Fourth Side

STEP 6: Glue Sides Together

Use a vice or clamps

STEP 7: It Should Look Like This When Assembled

STEP 8: Highlight Edges

Use a pencil or marker to highlight the step edges. You could also paint the steps as an enhancement.


I used a Canon DSLR camera for the photo and video. It took a few minutes on a tripod to line up the angles. I also had to use manual focus to blend the focus which helps with the illusion.

STEP 10: Another Example

If you like this, check out another example


the dimensions are in?

That's pretty cool! Thanks for sharing, I liked the triangle too!

Would you be wiling to make the 3D model which was shown in the video clip available?

Sure. Note that the drawing is linked in the video description. It's a very simple model so I'm not sure how much time it would save you. I can email you the inventor and/or STEP files. Let me know if you want them.

You made me squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I lurve M.C. Escher and this is amazing! =D


First saw this in the movie Inception. is the movie clip.

I remember hearing about people creating similar things (Escher art) in 3D about 15 years ago, but I never got to see the renders. This is perhaps a little more interesting :) Thank you for sharing.

Well after watching this I have concluded that you sir are a WITCH!

This looks great! Thanks for sharing and I loved the impossible triangle :-)

This is way cool. Good work!