In Response to Daylight Saving Plan: WakeupGagit


Intro: In Response to Daylight Saving Plan: WakeupGagit


I hate waking up in the dark. I hate being forced to get out of bed in general. So I made this thing 1 day after daylight saving plan to turn on a projector before the alarm goes off. For such efficiency, I plagerized df99 in CircuitsArduino linked below so THANK YOU!~

It has been tested working. I recommend connecting your projector to a chromebook that has a alarm to go off 1 minute after the projector turns on. So you get the best audio visual experiance.

A very ambitious goal is to synthesis video signal from arduino to drive the projector to just display some colors.

Arduino RTC OLED alarm clock that turns on an projector via IR remote every morning.

Most things are gathered online I am just keeping my progress on git.

Acer Power:10C8E11E Menu: 10C821DE

STEP 1: Fixed the Old Projector by Replacing the DLP Chip


STEP 3: Make the Arduino IR Alarm Clock

STEP 4: Code at Https://

#include //Library for Adafruit communication to OLED display#include //I2C communication library#include "ds3231.h" //Real Time Clock library#include //Graphics library#include //OLED display library#include //This library allows reading and writing to the EEPROM

//Uncomment ONE of the following three lines to define the behavior of pin 10 when alarm is activated#define beeper //Uncomment if 5 volt continuous tone beeper or buzzer is connected to pin 10 (5 Hz output)//#define speaker //Uncomment if speaker is connected to pin 10 through 1 microfarad capacitor and 100 ohm resistor in series (1480 HZ at 5 Hz output)//#define voltage //Uncomment if pin 10 is connected to alarm device requiring steady output while alarm is activated //Uncomment following line to enable display dimming between 10 PM and 5 AM//#define dimming int framecount2 = 0; //Counter for number of display update periodsuint8_t secset = 0; //Index for second RTC settinguint8_t minset = 1; //Index for minute RTC settinguint8_t hourset = 2; //Index for hour RTC settinguint8_t wdayset = 3; //Index for weekday RTC settinguint8_t mdayset = 4; //Index for date RTC settinguint8_t monset = 5; //Index for month RTC settinguint8_t yearset = 6; //Index for year RTC setting #include IRsend irsend; //Alarm time variablesuint8_t wake_HOUR = 0;uint8_t wake_MINUTE = 0;uint8_t wake_SECOND = 0;uint8_t wake_SET = 1; //Default alarm to ON in case of power failure or reset #define OLED_RESET 4 //Define reset for OLED displayAdafruit_SSD1306 display(OLED_RESET); //Reset OLED display

unsigned long prev, interval = 100; //Variables for display/clock update ratebyte flash = 0; //Flag for display flashing - toggle once per update intervalbyte mode = 0; //Mode for time and date settingint tempset; //Temporary variable for setting time/dateint beepcount = 0; //Variable for number of 100ms intervals since alarm started soundingconst int alarmEE = 0; //EEPROM alarm status storage location boolean alreadyRun = false; void setup(){ int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol unsigned int irSignal[] = {8800, 4400, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 1650, 500, 600, 500, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 1650, 500, 600, 500, 550, 550, 550, 550, 1650, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 1650, 500, 550, 550}; // NEC 10C8E11E irsend.sendRaw(irSignal, sizeof(irSignal) / sizeof(irSignal[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array. Serial.begin(9600); //Initialize serial port, if needed (not used) Wire.begin(); //Initialize I2C communication library DS3231_init(0x00); //Initialize Real Time Clock for 1Hz square wave output (no RTC alarms on output pin) pinMode(8, INPUT); //Set pin for time/date mode button to input digitalWrite(8, HIGH); //Turn on pullup resistors pinMode(9, INPUT); //Set pin for time/date set button to input digitalWrite(9, HIGH); //Turn on pullup resistors pinMode(10, OUTPUT); //Set pin for external alarm indicator output digitalWrite(10, LOW); //Initialize external alarm to off state //Read stored alarm set status and initialize to on at first run or on error wake_SET =; if (wake_SET != 0 && wake_SET != 1) { wake_SET = 1; EEPROM.write(alarmEE, wake_SET); } // by default, we'll generate the high voltage from the 3.3v line internally! (neat!) display.begin(SSD1306_SWITCHCAPVCC, 0x3C); // initialize with the I2C addr 0x3D (for the 128x64 OLED display) display.setTextSize(1); //Set default font size to the smalles display.setTextColor(WHITE); //Set font to display color on black background display.dim(0); //Set display to full brightness display.invertDisplay(0); //Set display to normal video // init done} void loop(){ char tempF[6]; //Local variable to store converted temperature reading from Real Time Clock module float temperature; //Intermediate temperature variable to convert Celsius to Farenheit unsigned long now = millis(); //Local variable set to current value of Arduino internal millisecond run-time timer struct ts t; //Structure for retrieving and storing time and date data from real time clock //Draw and update display every refresh period (100ms) if ((now - prev > interval)) { //Determine whether to start a time and screen update framecount2 = framecount2 + 1; //Update counter of refresh periods if (framecount2 > 300) { framecount2 = 0; //Wrap the refresh period counter to 0 after 300 updates, mode = 0; //Reset mode to normal every cycle unless setting buttons pressed to reset cycle counter } if (flash == 0) { flash = 1; //Toggle flash flag for cursor blinking later } else { flash = 0; } DS3231_get(&t); //Get time and date and save in t structure get_alarm(); //Retrieve current alarm setting #if defined(dimming) if (t.hour >= 22 || t.hour < 5) { display.dim(1); //Dim the display between 10 PM and 5 AM } else { display.dim(0); //Otherwise set display to full brightness }#endif #if defined(beeper) digitalWrite(10, LOW); //Turn off external alarm every cycle - no effect if alarm not on#endif #if defined(speaker) note(0, 0); //Turn off external alarm beep every cycle - no effect if alarm not on#endif #if defined(voltage) if (!DS3231_triggered_a1()) { digitalWrite(10, LOW); //Turn off external alarm for flashing only if RTC alarm flag clear }#endif display.invertDisplay(0); //Return display to normal after alarm stops - no effect if alarm not on //Force a temperature conversion if one is not in progress for rapid update and better clock accuracy //Maintain 1Hz square wave output if ((DS3231_get_addr(0x0E) & 0x20) == 0) { DS3231_init(0x20); //Check for CONV flag to see if conversion is in progress first, else start conversion } temperature = DS3231_get_treg(); //Get temperature from real time clock //temperature = (temperature * 1.8) + 32.0; // Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit dtostrf(temperature, 5, 1, tempF); //Convert temperature to string for display

display.clearDisplay(); //Clear display buffer from last refresh //NOTE: Alarm indicators are overwritten in display buffer if full-screen animation is displayed, so no check for that if (mode <= 7) { //Alarm indicators and actions in normal and time set display mode only if (wake_SET) { //Display alarm on indicator if alarm turned on display.setCursor(80, 8); //Position text cursor for alarm on indicator display.print("A"); //Print character between time and temperature if alarm on } } if (wake_SET && DS3231_triggered_a1()) { //Display/sound alarm if enabled and triggered beepcount = beepcount + 1; if (beepcount <= 600) { //Sound alarm for 60 seconds //MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!! if (alreadyRun == false) { int khz = 38; // 38kHz carrier frequency for the NEC protocol unsigned int irSignal[] = {8800, 4400, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 550, 550, 550, 500, 600, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 1650, 500, 600, 500, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 550, 1650, 500, 600, 500, 550, 550, 550, 550, 1650, 500, 1650, 550, 1650, 550, 1650, 500, 550, 550}; // NEC 10C8E11E irsend.sendRaw(irSignal, sizeof(irSignal) / sizeof(irSignal[0]), khz); //Note the approach used to automatically calculate the size of the array. alreadyRun = true; } //MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!!MAGIC!! if (!flash) { //Flash display and sound interrupted beeper display.invertDisplay(1); //Flash inverse video display at 5 Hz #if defined(speaker) note(6, 6); //Sound external alarm if alarm triggered, regardless of mode (1480 Hz)on pin 10#endif #if defined(beeper) digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //Flash external alarm if alarm triggered, regardless of mode#endif #if defined(voltage) digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //Turn on external alarm if alarm triggered, regardless of mode#endif } } else { beepcount = 0; //If alarm has sounded for 1 minute, reset alarm timer counter and alarm flag alreadyRun = false; DS3231_clear_a1f(); } } if (mode <= 7) { display.setCursor(92, 8); //Set cursor for temperature display display.print(tempF); //Send temperature to display buffer display.drawCircle(124, 8, 2, WHITE); //Draw degree symbol after temperature //DO NOT CHANGE CURSOR POSITIONING OF TIME AND DATE TEXT FIELDS OR TIME/DATE SET CURSOR WON'T MATCH!!! display.setCursor(0, 0); //Position cursor for day-of-week display printDay(t.wday); //Lookup day of week string from retrieved RTC data and write to display buffer printMonth(t.mon); //Lookup month string from retrieved RTC data and write to display buffer if (t.mday < 10) { display.print("0"); //Add leading zero to date display if date is single-digit } display.print(t.mday); //Write date to display buffer display.print(", "); //Write spaces and comma between date and year display.print(t.year); //Write year to display buffer display.setCursor(0, 8); //Position text cursor for time display //RTC is operated in 24-hour mode and conversion to 12-hour mode done here, in software if (t.hour == 0) { display.print("12"); //Convert zero hour for 12-hour display } else if (t.hour < 13 && t.hour >= 10) { display.print(t.hour); //Just display hour if double digit hour } else if (t.hour < 10) { display.print(" "); //If single digit hour, add leading space display.print(t.hour); } else if (t.hour >= 13 && t.hour >= 22) { display.print(t.hour - 12); //If double digit and PM, convert 24 to 12 hour } else { display.print(" "); //If single digit and PM, convert to 12 hour and add leading space display.print(t.hour - 12); } display.print(":"); //Display hour-minute separator if (t.min < 10) { display.print("0"); //Add leading zero if single-digit minute } display.print(t.min); //Display retrieved minutes display.print(":"); //Display minute-seconds separator if (t.sec < 10) { display.print("0"); //Add leading zero for single-digit seconds } display.print(t.sec); //Display retrieved seconds if (t.hour < 12) { display.print(" AM"); //Display AM indicator, as needed } else { display.print(" PM"); //Display PM indicator, as needed }

// Now draw the clock face //display.drawCircle(display.width()/2, display.height()/2 + 8, 20, WHITE); //Draw and position clock outer circle //display.fillCircle(display.width()/2+25, display.height()/2 + 8, 20, WHITE); //Fill circle only if displaying inverted colors if (flash) { display.drawCircle(display.width() / 2, display.height() / 2 + 8, 2, WHITE); //Draw, position and blink tiny inner circle } display.drawRect(41, 17, 47, 47, WHITE); //Draw box around clock //Position and draw hour tick marks for ( int z = 0; z < 360; z = z + 30 ) { //Begin at 0° and stop at 360° float angle = z ; angle = (angle / 57.29577951) ; //Convert degrees to radians int x2 = (64 + (sin(angle) * 20)); int y2 = (40 - (cos(angle) * 20)); int x3 = (64 + (sin(angle) * (20 - 5))); int y3 = (40 - (cos(angle) * (20 - 5))); display.drawLine(x2, y2, x3, y3, WHITE); } //Position and display second hand float angle = t.sec * 6 ; //Retrieve stored seconds and apply angle = (angle / 57.29577951) ; //Convert degrees to radians int x3 = (64 + (sin(angle) * (20))); int y3 = (40 - (cos(angle) * (20))); display.drawLine(64, 40, x3, y3, WHITE); //Position and display minute hand angle = t.min * 6; //Retrieve stored minutes and apply angle = (angle / 57.29577951) ; //Convert degrees to radians x3 = (64 + (sin(angle) * (20 - 3))); y3 = (40 - (cos(angle) * (20 - 3))); display.drawLine(64, 40, x3, y3, WHITE); //Position and display hour hand angle = t.hour * 30 + int((t.min / 12) * 6); //Retrieve stored hour and minutes and apply angle = (angle / 57.29577951) ; //Convert degrees to radians x3 = (64 + (sin(angle) * (20 - 11))); y3 = (40 - (cos(angle) * (20 - 11))); display.drawLine(64, 40, x3, y3, WHITE); } if (mode > 7) { display.setCursor(0, 0); //Position text cursor display.print("Alarm Set: "); if (wake_SET) { display.print("ON"); } else { display.print("OFF"); } display.setCursor(0, 8); //Position text cursor for time display //RTC is operated in 24-hour mode and conversion to 12-hour mode done here, in software if (wake_HOUR == 0) { display.print("12"); //Convert zero hour for 12-hour display } else if (wake_HOUR < 13 && wake_HOUR >= 10) { display.print(wake_HOUR); //Just display hour if double digit hour } else if (wake_HOUR < 10) { display.print(" "); //If single digit hour, add leading space display.print(wake_HOUR); } else if (wake_HOUR >= 13 && wake_HOUR >= 22) { display.print(wake_HOUR - 12); //If double digit and PM, convert 24 to 12 hour } else { display.print(" "); //If single digit and PM, convert to 12 hour and add leading space display.print(wake_HOUR - 12); } display.print(":"); //Display hour-minute separator if (wake_MINUTE < 10) { display.print("0"); //Add leading zero if single-digit minute } display.print(wake_MINUTE); //Display retrieved minutes display.print(":"); //Display minute-seconds separator if (wake_SECOND < 10) { display.print("0"); //Add leading zero for single-digit seconds } display.print(wake_SECOND); //Display retrieved seconds if (wake_HOUR < 12) { display.print(" AM"); //Display AM indicator, as needed } else { display.print(" PM"); //Display PM indicator, as needed } }

//Time/Date setting button processing and cursor flashing //CURSOR COORDINATES ARE SET TO MATCH TIME/DATE FIELD - DO NOT CHANGE!! //Digital and analog time/date display updates with new settings at 5Hz as settings are changed switch (mode) { case 0: break; case 1: //Day-of-week setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(0, 0, 18, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.wday; //Get the current weekday and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the day at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 7) { tempset = 1; //Roll over after 7 days } t.wday = tempset; //After each update, write the day back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, wdayset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; case 2: //Month setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(24, 0, 18, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.mon; //Get the current month and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the month at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 12) { tempset = 1; //Roll over after 12 months } t.mon = tempset; //After each update, write the month back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, monset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; case 3: //Date setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(48, 0, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.mday; //Get the current date and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the date at 5Hz rate //(RTC allows incorrect date setting for months < 31 days, but will use correct date rollover for subsequent months. if (tempset > 31) { tempset = 1; //Roll over after 31 days } t.mday = tempset; //After each update, write the date back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, mdayset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; case 4: //Year setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(72, 0, 24, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.year; //Get the current year and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the year at 5Hz rate //RTC allows setting from 1900, but range limited here to 2000 to 2099 if (tempset > 2099) { tempset = 2000; //Roll over after 2099 to 2000 } t.year = tempset; //After each update, write the year back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, yearset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; case 5: //Hour setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(0, 8, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.hour; //Get the current hour and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the hour at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 23) { tempset = 0; //Roll over hour after 23rd hour (setting done in 24-hour mode) } t.hour = tempset; //After each update, write the hour back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, hourset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; case 6: //Minute setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(18, 8, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = t.min; //Get the current minute and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the minute at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 59) { tempset = 0; //Roll over minute to zero after 59th minute } t.min = tempset; //After each update, write the minute back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, minset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break; //Set clock + 1 minute, then press and hold to freeze second setting. //Release button at 00 seconds to synchronize clock to external time source. case 7: //Second synchronization if (flash) { display.drawRect(36, 8, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Reset second to zero at 5Hz rate if button held down t.sec = 0; //After each update, write the zeroed second back to the time structure set_rtc_field(t, secset); //Write the set field only back to the real time clock module after each update } break;

case 8: //Alarm hour setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(0, 8, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = wake_HOUR; //Get the current hour and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the hour at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 23) { tempset = 0; //Roll over hour after 23rd hour (setting done in 24-hour mode) } wake_HOUR = tempset; //After each update, write the hour back to the alarm variable set_alarm(); //Write the alarm setting back to the RTC after each update } break;

case 9: //Alarm minute setting if (flash) { display.drawRect(18, 8, 12, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down tempset = wake_MINUTE; //Get the current minute and save in temporary variable tempset = tempset + 1; //Increment the minute at 5Hz rate if (tempset > 59) { tempset = 0; //Roll over minute to zero after 59th minute } wake_MINUTE = tempset; //After each update, write the minute back to the alarm variable set_alarm(); //Write the alarm setting back to the RTC after each update } break; case 10: //Alarm enable/disable if (flash) { display.drawRect(66, 0, 18, 8, WHITE); //Display rectangle cursor every other display update (5Hz blink) } if (!digitalRead(9) && (!flash)) { //Update setting at 5Hz rate if button held down if (wake_SET) { wake_SET = 0; //Toggle alarm on/of variable at 5 Hz } else { wake_SET = 1; } EEPROM.write(alarmEE, wake_SET); //Save alarm enable setting to EEPROM } break; } prev = now; //Reset variable for display and time update rate display.display(); //Display the constructed frame buffer for this framecount } //Clock setting mode set - outside time/display update processing for faster button response if (!digitalRead(8)) { //Read setting mode button delay(25); //100ms debounce time if (!digitalRead(8)) { //Activate setting mode change after 100ms button press mode = mode + 1; //Increment the time setting mode on each button press framecount2 = 0; //Reset cycle counter if button pressed to delay auto return to normal mode if (mode > 10) { mode = 0; //Roll the mode setting after 7th mode } while (!digitalRead(8)) {} //Wait for button release (freezes all display processing and time updates while button held, but RTC continues to keep time) } } if (!digitalRead(9)) { //Reset alarm flag if set button pressed delay(25); //25ms debounce time if (!digitalRead(9)) { DS3231_clear_a1f(); //Reset cycle counter if button pressed to delay auto return to normal mode beepcount = 0; //Reset alarm timeout counter if alarm stopped by pushing button framecount2 = 0; } }}

//Function to display month string from numerical month argumentvoid printMonth(int month){ switch (month) { case 1: display.print("Jan "); break; case 2: display.print("Feb "); break; case 3: display.print("Mar "); break; case 4: display.print("Apr "); break; case 5: display.print("May "); break; case 6: display.print("Jun "); break; case 7: display.print("Jul "); break; case 8: display.print("Aug "); break; case 9: display.print("Sep "); break; case 10: display.print("Oct "); break; case 11: display.print("Nov "); break; case 12: display.print("Dec "); break; default: display.print("--- "); break; //Display dashes if error - avoids scrambling display }}

//Function to display day-of-week string from numerical day-of-week argumentvoid printDay(int day){ switch (day) { case 1: display.print("Mon "); break; case 2: display.print("Tue "); break; case 3: display.print("Wed "); break; case 4: display.print("Thu "); break; case 5: display.print("Fri "); break; case 6: display.print("Sat "); break; case 7: display.print("Sun "); break; default: display.print("--- "); break; //Display dashes if error - avoids scrambling display }} //Subroutine to adjust a single date/time field in the RTCvoid set_rtc_field(struct ts t, uint8_t index){ uint8_t century; if (t.year > 2000) { century = 0x80; t.year_s = t.year - 2000; } else { century = 0; t.year_s = t.year - 1900; } uint8_t TimeDate[7] = { t.sec, t.min, t.hour, t.wday, t.mday, t.mon, t.year_s }; Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_I2C_ADDR); Wire.write(index); TimeDate[index] = dectobcd(TimeDate[index]); if (index == 5) { TimeDate[5] += century; } Wire.write(TimeDate[index]); Wire.endTransmission(); //Adjust the month setting, per data sheet, if the year is changed if (index == 6) { Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_I2C_ADDR); Wire.write(5); TimeDate[5] = dectobcd(TimeDate[5]); TimeDate[5] += century; Wire.write(TimeDate[5]); Wire.endTransmission(); }}

//Subroutine to set alarm 1void set_alarm(){ // flags define what calendar component to be checked against the current time in order // to trigger the alarm - see datasheet // A1M1 (seconds) (0 to enable, 1 to disable) // A1M2 (minutes) (0 to enable, 1 to disable) // A1M3 (hour) (0 to enable, 1 to disable) // A1M4 (day) (0 to enable, 1 to disable) // DY/DT (dayofweek == 1/dayofmonth == 0) byte flags[5] = { 0, 0, 0, 1, 1 }; //Set alarm to trigger every 24 hours on time match // set Alarm1 DS3231_set_a1(0, wake_MINUTE, wake_HOUR, 0, flags); //Set alarm 1 RTC registers } //Subroutine to get alarm 1void get_alarm(){ uint8_t n[4]; uint8_t t[4]; //second,minute,hour,day uint8_t f[5]; // flags uint8_t i; Wire.beginTransmission(DS3231_I2C_ADDR); Wire.write(DS3231_ALARM1_ADDR); Wire.endTransmission(); Wire.requestFrom(DS3231_I2C_ADDR, 4); for (i = 0; i <= 3; i++) { n[i] =; f[i] = (n[i] & 0x80) >> 7; t[i] = bcdtodec(n[i] & 0x7F); } f[4] = (n[3] & 0x40) >> 6; t[3] = bcdtodec(n[3] & 0x3F); wake_SECOND = t[0]; wake_MINUTE = t[1]; wake_HOUR = t[2];} #if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) && defined(speaker)//Subroutine for low overhead beep for alarm speaker on pin 10, ATmega32U4const uint8_t scale[] PROGMEM = {239, 225, 213, 201, 190, 179, 169, 159, 150, 142, 134, 127}; void note (int n, int octave) { DDRB = DDRB | 1 << DDB6; // PB6 (Arduino D10) as output TCCR4A = 0 << COM4A0 | 1 << COM4B0; // Toggle OC4B on match int prescaler = 10 - (octave + n / 12); if (prescaler < 1 || prescaler > 9) prescaler = 0; OCR4C = pgm_read_byte(&scale[n % 12]); TCCR4B = prescaler << CS40;} #elif !defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__) && defined(speaker)//Subroutine for low overhead beep for alarm speaker on pin 10, ATmega328const uint8_t scale[] PROGMEM = {239, 225, 213, 201, 190, 179, 169, 159, 150, 142, 134, 127}; void note (int n, int octave) { DDRD = DDRD | 1 << DDD3; // PD3 (Arduino D3) as output TCCR2A = 0 << COM2A0 | 1 << COM2B0 | 2 << WGM20; // Toggle OC2B on match int prescaler = 9 - (octave + n / 12); if (prescaler < 3 || prescaler > 6) prescaler = 0; OCR2A = pgm_read_byte(&scale[n % 12]); TCCR2B = 0 << WGM22 | prescaler << CS20;}#endif