Introduction: Your Tetris Puzzle
To make your own Tetris puzzle you will need:
-White/Coloured card
-Glue stick or sellotape
-Felt tips/Paint
-A sharpened Pencil
- A ruler
-White/Coloured card
-Glue stick or sellotape
-Felt tips/Paint
-A sharpened Pencil
- A ruler
Step 1: Step 1
First draw out a basic 2.5cmx2.5cm cube net on a new piece of card. Once you have the correct net, go round it in black felt tip.
Step 2: Step 2
Next cut around the shape, being careful as to not cut off the tabs. This will be your template.
Step 3: Step 3
Draw around your template on a new piece of card, and do the same. To make this process quicker fold an A4 piece of paper into quaters and then cut them all at once.
Step 4: Step 4
Colour in the net in the colour of your choice and fold down the tabs.
Step 5: Step 5
Glue the net into a cube and leave to dry.
Step 6: Step 6
Now repeat steps 3-5 until you have enough cubes to make a variety of shapes.
Step 7: Step 7
Stick them into the original Tetris shapes
Step 8: Finishing
Now you're ready to play your very own physical Tetris puzzle!
Try to fit all of the pieces together to make a perfect shape.
Try to fit all of the pieces together to make a perfect shape.