Invisible Weapon Luggage Prank!


Intro: Invisible Weapon Luggage Prank!

Invisible Weapon Luggage Prank

Here's a very evil practical joke guaranteed to get someone tazed or beat or shot. (maybe even you!) while traveling on a plane (or doing anything that requires their luggage to go through an X-RAY machine.

Someone could cut the top and bottom off of a pop can and then up the side giving them a nice flat piece of aluminum (that's aluminium to you Brits). They could then cut nefarious shapes using these pieces. Perhaps a nice switchblade, couple of hand grenades, glock 9mm pistol WITH silencer, UZI machine gun, etc... They could be very creative with their evil artistry.

Next they could pull the cardboard and fabric up from inside of someone's luggage and slide those dangerous looking inserts between the wall of the case and the lining. After gluing the lining and fabric back down some lucky bastard gets to be tackled by the TSA as his luggage is going through the X-RAY machine!


Considering the new body scanner technology, one could use aluminum foil (yes, for cooking) and cut it into the weapon shapes(gun or knife) and then glue it inside a shirt, jeans or perhaps inside a person's duffel bag or back-pack. Imagine a switchblade or derringer shape glued into a cigarette pack. Later you can say "see, I told you smoking is dangerous)

Just remember, whoever would do this is a jerk. Especially if they were laughing and video taping the terrified look on their friends face while they laid on the ground with a big officer's boot on his neck.

PS. I only mentioned "he/she" to be politically correct, we all know that this would never be done by a female. This is more of a man thing, Santa bless us all.

✫ DO NOT DO THIS. IT IS ILLEGAL. Also you will get arrested, you will get cavities (not the ones in your teeth) searched and you will get fined or sent to prison, say goodbye to passports and visas and your plans of traveling the world or even flying on planes.

The purpose of sharing this is meant to show you what COULD be done so you know to protect yourself from it. Or if you are security, you will know how to detect and look for this. anyway, like I said; Don't be a dummy, NEVER DO THIS!

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