Introduction: Magnetic Skateboard Wall Holder
After seeing Genghis72's Instructable I had to make my own really. The only problem was, my skateboards were much much heavier.
- Lots of screws (4x skateboard)
- Anchors (3x skateboard)
- A skateboard (1x skateboard)
- Sandpaper ( up to 1000 grit)
- Spray paint
4 in PVC pipe
Step 1: Magnetic Wall Holders
I really liked genghis72's Magnetic Holders which he designed himself and after printing them I decided there was no reason to reinvent the wheel.
Finishing the Holder
- Sand the parts down to a 1000 grit finish to get that sexy smooth polished look and then add in the magnets with epoxy or how you see fit.
Step 2: Line 'Em Up
Top Holder
- Set the holders to whatever height you desire and screw them in using anchors. I placed all four of mine on studs to maximize strength.
Bottom Holder
- Next grab a 4 inch PVC pipe and cut it every 3 inches.
- Cut out a fourth of the circumference
- With a heat gun bend one of the edges inward
Step 3: Bend Again
Using a heat gun and splint of wood bend back the lip so that you have a Lima bean looking shape
Repeat until all are bent in position.
Step 4: Screw It In
Spray paint a color that is not gold because I truly regret that decision and screw into the wall.
Tada, finished. Add and remove skateboards as pleased.