(IoT) Intertnet of Things With Ubidots (ESP8266+LM35)


Intro: (IoT) Intertnet of Things With Ubidots (ESP8266+LM35)

Today we are going to learn to use the Ubidots platform to visualize data over the internet in a friendly way.

STEP 1: Materials and Assembly:


2-NodeMCU (ESP8266)

3-LM35 temperature sensor.

4-Some wire

STEP 2: Arduino IDE Setting Up to NodeMCU:

Link to be pasted in preferences boards URL:


-Download the ESP8266 shields package in the boards manager.

-Select your board (NodeMCU).

-And that's it.

STEP 3: Code Credentials Fill and Ubidots Account:

Go to https://ubidots.com/ , sign up, and search for your "default token" and paste it in the code, next to your Wi-Fi credentials.

Library and code here:


-Upload the code to the NodeMCU and verify that it got connected and says OK.

STEP 4: Ubidots Config and Visualization:

1-Automatically a device called ESP8266 will appear on your Ubidots devices after uploading the code.

2-It will has a variable showing the lecture of the sensor in a range of 0-255.

3-We need to create a synthetic variable in function of the first one. To converte the 0-255 value into a Temperature (C) value we most use a function. ((value)*(3.3)*(100))/1024 = centigrade degrees.

4-We create a table in the data field, with a thermometer widget, typing the name of the variable (API LABEL), in this case is called "temp" and click ok.

5-And finally we are able to visualize the temperature of the sensor over the web, wherever we are, could be by the smartphone app and on.


Hola Chris, felicitaciones por tus vídeos.
Soy un aficionado que está experimentando con Iot, intenté hacer este experimento, pero equivoqué el modelo al comprar la placa y no puedo determinar cual de los pines de esta placa corresponde a la "Entrada Analógica" (A0) que usas para leer la señal del sensor de temperatura (Sé que "GND" es Tierra y "V5" corresponde a "VV").

¿me puedes dar una mano indicando cual sería el equivalente en mi placa? o si tienes algún enlace en donde pueda leer y aprender que hace cada pin de esta placa, me sería de mucha utilidad.
¿crees que la pueda usar esta placa para replicar tu experimento?
