Isolated INA219 Module


Intro: Isolated INA219 Module

It is a standard INA219 module but this has an isolated measured voltage from the MCU. This means you can measure the voltage that does not have the same GND on both sides.

STEP 1: Hardware Components

STEP 2: Schematics and PCB

STEP 3: PCB Description

Board measure voltage 0-26V and current 0-3A.

On board are four mounting holes of diameter 4mm.

On board is 3A fuse for module protection. MCU is connected to the right pin header.

The top pin header is just for other modules that we want to isolate from the MCU,

The maximum current consumption of devices connected to the top pin header is 50mA.

I2C address:

  • 0x40 - no jumpers required
  • 0x41 - bridge JP1
  • 0x44 - bridge JP2
  • 0x45 - bridge JP1 and JP2

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This project is sponsored by LCSC component.