K'NEX 1967 MP5K Prototype


Intro: K'NEX 1967 MP5K Prototype

Hey guys! It has been awhile hasn't it? Well, here I am with my newest build, a variation of my brother'snewest post, the 1967 MP5K Prototype. With it's cool front grip, internal-locking magazine, and comfortable body setup, this is one fun gun to play around with. While I have not tested the range on the gun, and I suspect that it will require tape for the mechanism, I am pretty sure that it will shoot up to 40 ft.

- Internal locking magazine
- Nice sights
- Sweet fore-grip
- 10+ rd. magazine
- Sturdy body and setup

I intend on either posting this gun with a full set of instructions or giving you guys some internal pics.


-E Pluribus Unum


This is awesome and have favorited, if you do post internal pictures or instructions that be so greatful

I think I might have some internals here... give me a second... Here you are (sorry for the blurry pics):

Many thanks but I won't be making this until next year as I have quite a load of instructions to do this year but I will do them if no one else does.

Here we are E Pluribus Unum, the instructions have arrived

The internals are the same as your brothers mp5k

red and you are good at this stuff :D.

Brilliant gun! Thought I would show you mine! Keep up the god work I love yours and your brothers guns, I have made about 10 of them so far!

for the sake of talos post this beauty!!!

(if u get the refrence ur awshum)



It looks great, but I honestly doubt it'll shoot 40 feet. Green rods suck when aiming for longer ranges.
But the replica itself is like spot on, great job on that.

Thanks man, glad you like it. Well, green rods might not get 40 ft., but I think the tan clips will.

Does it use broken peices?

This is really good. What does it shoot? I can't understand.

Oh. I was confused whether it was green rods or blue clips.

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