Kahoot Flooder


Intro: Kahoot Flooder

This is a fun tool if you need to annoy your teachers at school while you are playing kahoot. It visibly slows down the kahoot when you put more than around 500 bots

STEP 1: Materials

You need a pc with node js 14+ installed and a kahoot acount to test

STEP 2: Setting Up Package.json

Create a new file called package.json in your bots own directory

copy this code inside it EXACTLY except the title if you want to change that but it cant have spaces

STEP 3: Installing Libraries

once you have the package.json set up exactly like that (this step has to be done after the first 2) open a terminal and do npm install. This takes the libraries listed in package.json and installs them.

STEP 4: Starting the Code

create a new file in the directory called index.js

you can change this name but if you want it to work you have to edit the entry point in package.json

I will be going over this code later, but if you want to skip right into making the bot work, skip ahead.

STEP 5: Going Over the Code

This code basically calls the libraries for input and then picks a random word and connects to kahoot

thats it

STEP 6: Running the Code

To test the bot open a terminal and do

node index.js

and start a kahoot and follow the instructions in the terminal


thanks don't use it at school if it gets you in trouble!