Kawaii Whale Plushie


Intro: Kawaii Whale Plushie

Hey everyone it's momo and if you are a member of the farm family, and you're a momoluver, or you might just... Stalk my page? Then you would know that I've lately been pretty obsessed with plushies after being inspired by a few of my followers actually. So let's start on this super cute whale plushie

STEP 1: Supplies

1- felt color of choice (I suggest a light, powdery color like a light pink of blue)
2- Scissors
3- needle
4- thread
6- cotton balls or wool stuffing.
7- kawaii whale template. I don't have the link here, but go on youtube, search kawaii whale plushie and the template should be on the video with the picture like above

STEP 2: Cut Out

Cut out the template after you have printed it out and trace it onto your felt.

STEP 3: Eyes

There's my cat snickers <3. Lol she'll lay on anything ;) anyways cut out the felt along the line and sew on eyes onto the pieces that look like half a fish. Feel free to copy the eyes I did

STEP 4: Start to Sew

Put the pieces inside out and sew down to the end of the tail. Then, you need to reverse the plushie the right way and put the fish part of the felt under the part you have now. Blanket stitch around the tail.

STEP 5: Keep Going

Keep blanket stitching up the side until you get a little further than midway.

STEP 6: Add Fins

Place the fun inside and sew it on the whale. Then continue blanket stitching until you reach the top of the whale.

STEP 7: Repeat

Do the same thing you just did to the other side. I had to cut the fins a little smaller, because I felt they were too big for the little body. Also, stuff the tail very tightly and fit in as much cotton as you can

STEP 8: Stuff

Before you seal up the whale completely, you need to leave a small gap. Just big enough to wear you can fit cotton in there. Then sew it up!

STEP 9: Finished!

And it's as easy as that! BE A MOMOLUVER! If you haven't already follow me, become a member of the farm family, and give a cow it's wings! Love y'all •_£


Aww their soooo cute! Thanks for sharing!
Here are my six cats. The first ones name is tootsie the second is Wally then is mousy next is fluffy now this is my pregnant cat her name is earl grey and finally the last is named chestnut. I know, some of them are typical cat names but when we want to name them on short notice we name them whatever we can think of (I already have the names for my kittens picked out, and they are not common!!)
Type me back on this 'Ible if you see my comment.
Yeah I saw your comment. Yes I would love to hear what you have to say. But I have had several litters of kittens before and I basically know what to do. Also my cats are outdoor farm cats. But I am interested in what advice you would like to give. I have done a lot of googling over the last few days about my cat and her to-be kittens, so I think I know most of the basics. Still let me know of how you think I should raise these kittens.
Too cute! That looks great!