Introduction: Keluang String : a Camper's String Hack

About: From a DIY enthusiast to a DIY gardener 🍓

Storage space is a luxury for camper and that's the problem I had faced in one of the trips.

Here, I show how to use a string to hang mostly of your camping items and save some space.

Step 1: Items

    This items are easily buy from a fishing store

    1. A nylon string
    2. A hook - not a fishing hook ;)
    3. A basic skill to tie a knot (or a few)

    Step 2: The Knots

    Firstly, I make a few knots on the string.

    Step 3: The End Knot

    I also make a knot at the end of the string so that I can attach the hook.

    Step 4: The Hanging

    It is a simple principle of hanging item on the Keluang String. I insert the upper bottle into the knot and make a few twist to tighten the grip. For the other items, I just slide through the knot.

    Step 5: The Setup

    1. I hook the end at a tree branch.
    2. I hang a few items such as the cooking utensils, a bottle of shampoo, black pepper bottle, drinking bottle and two cooking pan.
    3. There are many items you can hang using the Keluang String.
    4. And lastly but not least, I can fit the string in my camping backpack's pocket for the next camping trip.


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