Introduction: Keyboard & Mouse for Tablets (Nexus 7)

There are some simple thing that you should know about your tablet, one is that a decent 2013 tablet supports OTG. This lets you add a mouse, keyboard and USB ports. The project is simple, just read the instructions and you''' do fine. A regular keyboard works as well as a typical wireless mouse.

Without reading this guide, you probably never had though of this :))

Thank You Instructables & Radioshack!
To show my gratitude to Instructables and RadioShack, the one who sponsored the RC contest, I'l be making tons of projects for the Nexus 7 (2013 - 2nd gen) which I won from the RC contest. It's an awesome tablet BTW :D My next NEXUS accessory would be a mini version of this with a flip case with an ultraslim bluetooth keyboard attached to it. Another one is the wireless charger which the Nexus 7 (2013) supports.

Is This A Gimmick?
No its not! I've been receiving a lot of questions lately: Why not use a laptop? Why do you need an external keyboard for? Well my answer is.... I'm a PC kind of guy, the keyboard & mouse has a different feel compared to the touch panel. While your tablet is sitting, waiting to be turned on in a second, your laptop is still probably booting for minutes. The tablet's quick accessibility is a game changer in the world of computers, but one if its major downside is the lack of physical buttons (keyboards).

From the day I received my Nexus, I started to publish my short instructables with my tablet :)) It's a lot easier and convenient. BTW, this setup works with android games too, such as Modern Combat 4 and GT Racing 2.

Why Not Buy A Case w/Keyboard?
Well buying a keyboard+case combo is a great idea but this project's sole purpose is to use common computer accessories found in everyone's household.

- Connect to a 1080p LCD
- Keyboard & Mouse
- 4x USB Ports

Step 1: Accessories Materials

- Regular USB Keyboard
- Regular USB Mouse (wireless)
- Bluetooth Speaker (for sounds & tablet stand)
- OTG Cable (On-The-Go Cable)
- 4 Port USB 2.0 Hub

Step 2: Simple Connections

1st.) Plug in the OTG cable to your tablet's Micro USB plug
2nd.) Plug the USB Hub to your OTG (This gives you 4 ports of USB!)
3rd.) Plug all your accessories (ex. Keyboard, Mouse's Receiver, USB drive...)

Step 3: Improvised Tablet Stand

I used my cheap Bluetooth speaker for my tablet's stand

Step 4: You're Done! Enjoy!

Wow that was so simple! You can now type words with ease at your tablet. The keyboard and mouse also works with FPS and Racing games.

From the day I received my Nexus, I started publish my short instructables with my tablet :)) It's a lot easier