Knex ATM


Intro: Knex ATM

This an ATM or bank (whatever you want to call it, ABD for animal crossing fans) It takes money and dispenses it into a box. It has a flap for removing money. I give credit to Killer~SafeCracker.


how do i change my name on instructables
Click on profile, then edit profile, and do what u like
you should be able to build it from the pictures.
I know i just wanted it to work
Not his fault, he musn't have the newer motors.
I actually do just didnt want to use it on that.
no prob!
how about a lock on it like some of the others so you need to unlock it to get the money
Yea I already broke this to make a fan sooo..... yea.....
I bet I can crack-open it within a minute.
ummm yea anyone can do it under 5 seconds its not really crack proof maybe ill work on that