Knex Assult Rifle - KRMA1


Intro: Knex Assult Rifle - KRMA1

My first proper Knex gun.
-11 shot magazine (holds blue rods)
-Sturdy stock
-comfortable grip
-Accurate sights
-Bolt action
-True trigger
-... actually I cant think of any major downsides
Thanks to viccie for the base.


It's funny how everyone is going bonkers about how he should credit me. I appreciate it, but don't hate on him for using a superior gun and making it even better :P I like it, I hardly recognize my El Diablo at first glance, good work mate!
Just notice another advantage - the slit through the middle of the stock acts as a means of stopping the ram rod from breaking. This gun is easily twice as powerful as the El Diablo.
Viccie should get credit for the base gun. You basically made his el diablo and built an entire AR around it.
I saw the el diablo on youtube, built that, built another one, built the magazine and the trigger, extended the barrell by 3 connectors connected the barrell to the handle and built the stock. I then connected the handle to the magazine, added the scope and put a grip under the end of the barrell. But yeah if you took all of that away you would have the el diablo.
Wait, on Youtube? I never posted a video of it on Youtube. What's the account name that uploaded it?
Those are mostly cosmetic mods, so you still have to give Viccie credit.
Would it be fair to say that this is an EXTREMELY modified version of Viccie's El Diablo?
You're just throwing a stock, scope and extended barrel on so no.
Really depends on point of view. My point of view is that this is the El diablo with a bunch of extra stuff chucked on it, and no modification that makes it perform better is present. Other people might see all that extra stuff as an extreme mod though.
The extended barrel didnt make any noticeable change to the range of the gun. It only increased the accuracy
At least he actually researched knex guns before posting a block trigger pistol like most noobs do, this is pretty good (even if it is a mod)
Yeah I might give him some props for that, but I post regardless of first ible, or 9001st ible.
looks nice!