Introduction: Knex Base Gun
hey guys this is my knex base gun. also guys i would just like to say that this my first instructable so could you be nice about the comments please.
parts list:
yellow: 15
white: 14
green: 14
Connector 5-way Yellow: 23
Connector 4-way Green: 10
Connector 3-way Red: 11
Connector 2-way straight Orange: 28
Connector 2-way grey: 8
Connector 4-way 3D Silver: 4
Connector 7-way 3D Mid blue : 4
Clip with Hole end Purple: 21
Hinge - Blue half : 6
y- clip : 5
tan clip : 9
Step 1: The Barrel
build this
Step 2: Aiming Mechanism
build this
Step 3: The Base
build this
Step 4: The Front Protection
this protects the gun
Step 5: The Side Protection
build two of these
Step 6: Slide Mechanism
this allows you to slide the barrel forward
Step 7: Aiming Lock
this locks the aiming mechanism to specific place you want
Step 8: Final Build
connect slide mechanism to the base ( make sure that the slide mechanism is at the back of the base).
connect the barrel to the slide mechanism ( look at picture 1 above). connect the aiming mechanism to the base ( look at picture above).
connect aiming mechanism to base and barrel (look at picture 2 above).
connect front and back protection to base (look at picture 3).
to connect the aiming lock, you connect the red connector with green rod to yellow connector that has a blue rod connected to it, you then feed both of them out from the back (look at the back of the base on picture 1).