Knex Claw


Intro: Knex Claw

This claw is useful for old people to do stuff does actually retract by pulling the thingy and you can build it

STEP 1: The Claw

STEP 2: The Body

Quite simple...!

STEP 3: The Box

probably the hardest bit.....!

STEP 4: The Handle and Puller

STEP 5: Joining Up

final step connecting.


the instructions aren't very clear

Hey could you make a 4 clawed one.
It would be awesome if you could make and post the one with 4 claws! BTW the is THE best thing that i have built out on knex!
This is in the K'nex booklet. I find your instructable helpful, because I lost the booklet that has the instructions, and now I can build this if I want.
I know I thought I should publish it for others to see!
This is in a knex booklet.