Knex Garnade Launcher


Intro: Knex Garnade Launcher

I dont really feel like explaining everything so just look at the pics its pretty straightforward


You should find a way to connect this to on of your guns you know like an m16/m203 grenade launcher combo

I don't think that would work, this concept is to big and wouldn't be practical for what you suggested. Thanks for the imput though.

Go find a Marine or Army Ranger(or any other member of the military) and ask them about garnades. Post their reaction and make sure to put emphasis on "garnade".
umm thanks i think
ok im confused
They mean it's spelled grenade, not "garnade".
Looks good. I like the idea of a crossbow that shoots exploding ammo.
yeah thanks just trying to help the community
*****Instructables Patrol Alert****


Ummm what do you mean
Whackmaster. He goes around instructables flagging other's instructables for being 'Bad', yet hasn't contributed himself.
haha ok thanks for sticking up for me against these teens
Whats going onnnnnn??????
ok sorry i know wat you mean the first three pics were taken before i added the barrel and the rest of the pics are from the completed prototype the mech didnt change at all do u get the point of this though. im still waiting for a replaie for selszonia if he wants to help me with this
yeh yeh. i kind of understand but i don't get the ammo though...?
btw i love the stock!
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