Knex PP-19 Bizon (Instructions)


Intro: Knex PP-19 Bizon (Instructions)

Hey guys, this is my PP-19 bizon that i promised all of you. this baby i featured in bf3, which i played for a while now. WITH INSTRUCTIONS!!! This gun entered into the "Toy Rods and Connectors Contest". Alotta people i see want a helical magazine that works in a gun, so here it is. others also wanted a pp19 bizon or a pp90m1, whatever.
Here are some pros and cons :

-super good looks!!!!
-super solid!
-shoots about 30 ft!!!
-top rails for attachments/optics
-CFBM (CODawesome's front bolt mechanism)

-1 or 2 rounds don't get fed into the chamber from the mag
-reloading the magazine with rounds= long and complicated (look into my last 'ible for instructions to load)
-some rounds get stuck in the chamber
-alotta cut pieces

Otherwise, good day to alla y'all!

STEP 1: Helical Mag

STEP 2: Body

STEP 3: Stock

STEP 4: DONE!!!!


damn it i don't have hingers
yes, it can shoot. it uses grey connectors, or green rods as ammo.
Apart from the handle it's great!
thanks! but what's wrong with the handle?
Maybe you should have a red connector (3way) on the bottom of the handle. The way it is now it looks like a gap is out of it. Sorry for late reply just back from holiday
Blablablabla, who cares about the handle? That's an easy fix. I love the innovation in this gun! Particularly the magazine. I'm very impressed. : ) You have my vote for the contest.
Thanks! Should i make a v2 of this, with a better handle and stock?
If you do that, don't make it V2. Just add it to this ible as an update.
Looks great, cool mechanism.
But the handle looks a bit unfinished. The bottom-back mostly
Thanks, but idk why the handle and stock look unfinished. I looked at the pic of the real gun, and they are both extremely accurate (not bragging). Any vivid descriptions of what i can improve?
You're welcome.
For the stock, maybe it could be a tiny bit longer. Comparing it to the real deal picture, it looks slightly too short.
As for the handle, here's a photo that shows which part I ment with bottom-back.
Don't worry, it'll most likely be an easy fix