Introduction: Knex SRGAR (SumRndmGuy's Assault Rifle)

About: Until i get more knex pieces (which i will not purchase), i am done knexing. I have been impressed by the creativity of the knexers on instructables more times than i can count...and now i say good bye and goo…
Just saying this now to get it out there, all of this gun is just a combo of Red Book of Westmarch's M14 and RLSW

I have been trying to build an AR that shoots white rods, but then i came across Reds (^-- click) Guide to knex guns and found he made a very good point in saying anything smaller than yellow or blue rods doesnt work for some i basically wasted 2 weeks until i figured out that his RLSW didnt shoot white rods, it shot grey connectors with green rods, enough background for the pros and cons.

Very light in weight
Simple to build
40ft range

not mine entirely
terrible stock (as always)
no iron sights
not semi auto or anything cool like that

Here id like to point out that it would look better with a longer (curved) mag, and a real please do so, i dont have the pieces...o and the green (red sized (on the bottom) rods if removed and replaced with yellow 5way connectors with green rods would make the gun function better