Knex Walker, by Bannana Inventor.


Intro: Knex Walker, by Bannana Inventor.

Hereis a link to a video you may want to watch of it walking. This is a walker I made. It uses a controler and wailks pretty fast. If you guys think I should post this as an Instructable please tell me. Don't forget to vote for this in the Robot contest if you liked it. :D


 do you have any instructions? 

Howdy, I built a variation of this model, and ran it with the PCS BRAIN controller. Thought to share some images.
wow nice 5 stars an faved!!!=D
Umm, Question. Will it actually lift up one leg at a time, or will it just kind of wobble? I've been trying to figure out how to make one that walks by standing on one leg at a time for who knows how long and,. Well anyway I was just kinda wondering.
When it walks both of it's legs are on the ground, but it walks just fine. One just slides along the ground.
Like Mepain's links suggest, it has been done before. It is not very difficult to make a quadruped, crestind has made one, I have made one, bakenbitz has made two.
I know it's been done before. I just wanted to make my own verision. :D
And I am not very sure this qualifies as a robot.
I was thinking that too, until I saw a knex walker in the contest so I though,"Hay I'll go for it".
So, by entering something that was already in the contest, you expect to win?
it isn't even in the robot contest yet, i would vote, but... i can't! 4.5 stars tho
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