Introduction: Knex Ball Machine: Project Simplicity
In this instructable I will be showing you how to make a small yet pretty cool ball machine. It also is not to long.
Step 1: Tower Base and Bottom Gears
This is the base of the tower. It also shows how to build the towers bottom gears.
Step 2: The Tower and Top Gears
In this step you will see how to build the tower and the top gears.
Step 3: The Track 1
In this step you will make the top track.
Step 4: The Track 2
In this step you will make the bottom track.
Step 5: The Motor
This step shows how to attach the motor.
Step 6: Support Beams
This step shows how to make the support beams.
Step 7: Tension Rod
This step insures good tension to the lift.
Step 8: Lift Chain
This step shows how to make the chain.
Step 9: FINISHED!!!!!!